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Hold me close don't let me go,
It's dark in here no light no glow.

I am slipping slowly from your hold,
You tell me it's fine I try to be bold.

My hands are shivering why can't you see,
Why can't I be like you, so carefree.

Uncertain steps are coming my way,
All alone you left me to find your next prey.

And then I fell ever so hard,
Torned, shattered and a little scarred.

It's not the end I'll stand again,
I can handle a little bit of strain.

It wasn't my mistake I tell myself,
I was just placed in the wrong bookshelf.

The next steps were full of success,
Carefree and happy with no stress.

I was never the flaw but you in me,
It's clear as day and now I see.

Now I am gone to hunt for you again,
But this time I'll let you feel the pain.

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