Chapter 4

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Maggie was curled up in her blanket as dawn approached. A hand was placed lightly on her shoulder. Shacking her. A soft groan escaped her lips. "Just a bit longer." She said grabbing the hand thinking it was her mother waking her up. She curled up into a ball hugging the hand to her face. "We-werewolf i-it's time t-to wake u-u-up." She heard someone stutter. She opened her eyes, groggily, seeing Twilight in front of her. She jumped up, pushing his hand away, blushing. "I-I'm sorry." She squeaked out shyly. He rubbed his neck "It's okay." He replied keeping his voice steady even though his heart was pounding. "I'll just be getting ready." She said quickly, she walked to her bag grabbing some clothes.

She jumped into the shower quickly then brushed her teeth and hair. She got dressed (outfit above. No tattoo). She walked out of the bathroom to see Twilight sitting on her bed looking at song book. So far she had one full one and a few half written ones. "Hey!" She screamed at him, running up. She grabbed the book from his hands, hugging it to his chest. "That's private!" She said anger lacing her voice. He looked at her. "They are pretty good." He voiced. Maggie rolled her blue eyes. "Whatever." She grumbled. She turned away from him. "Next time mind your own business." She said, walking out to see everyone else going to play dodge ball. She followed, hearing the cabin door open and close.

~skip after dodgeball game~

She laughed watching all the Badgers run to the bathroom. "That was brilliant Sanjay and Delroy!" She exclaimed. Sanjay grinned proudly. Maggie stood up. "We should head to lunch." She said. The boys nodded and stood up. Twilight started to walk over to her. She hurried off to escape him. She hung her head low as she moved past everyone else. Twilight frowned, stopping in his tracks. Delroy walked over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "You okay man?" He asked. Twilight looked up at him. "Yeah. She won't let me apologize." He replied in his normal low voice. "What happened?" Delroy asked as they started walking. "I found her song book and looked in it." He said. Delroy nods. "Hey we are going to hide the trophy so made you can try then." Twilight nodded his head, black hair swaying.

The trophy rested on Delroy's head. Maggie hugged her arms around her, glancing around the woods. Twilight moved up to stand beside her. "Hey Werewolf-" He started to be cut off. "My name is Maggie." She said, glancing at him from the side. He nods. "Maggie I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done what I did. Do you forgive me?" He asked, looking at her with puppy-like eyes. She shrugged. "I'll think about it." She walked faster to catch up to Sanjay and Delroy. "Here's good." Sanjay said looking at a old, abounded cabin. "Twilight, Werewolf why don't y'all come with us." Delroy said sending a wink to Twilight. The two stepped up and walked inside. "It's creepy." Maggie said. She looked around on edge. Something feel making a loud noise. She jumped slightly. Sanjay jumped at them. He yelled "Roar!" Maggie jumped, grabbing on to Twilight's arm. She jumped closer to him, eyes squeezed close. She held tightly on to him, her forehead resting on his back. Sanjay bursted out laughing. "That was great." He said between breaths. Delroy looked around the corner smirking. "Come on guys, it's hidden." He said before showing a bag. "I also found this." He showed a backpack. Sanjay pulled out a creepy bear and screamed causing the others to scream and run out of the building. Maggie still held tightly to Twilight. When they got outside she was holding on to his arm hugging against his side. Her breathes ragged. "It's just a bear." Delroy said. "But it's creepy." Was Sanjay's response as he handed it to Grinsburge. "Werewolf you can let go of Twilight now." Delroy's voice came. Maggie looked up at the slightly taller boy, realizing she was holding onto him. She blushed some, jerking away from him. Delroy smirked. "Come on back to camp!" Sanjay declared pointing the direction they came.

~time skip to camp~

The sun was sitting and Delroy and Sanjay was heading to a campfire. Werewolf was the only one in the cabin. The boys were out doing who knows what. She opened her song book, flipping through it. "Can you sing one for me?" A soft voice asked. She looked over seeing Twilight. "Oh um sure. I guess I can." She said awkwardly. She cleared her throat then started.

"I know what it's like to hurt and feel like you don't belong.
I know how it's hard just to get along.
Stuck in a world that seems like no one cares.
To be drowning in your tears.

Listen to my voice.
It's more then just a noise.
You belong and are worth it.
You don't deserve it.
To feel this way.
Your beautiful in a special way.
A way only you can be.

I know how it is to fake a smile so no one sees.
To just beg please.
Let this pain end.
It did not intend to be this way.
You left your head up.
Please don't be sad, my friend.

Listen to my voice.
It's more then just a noise.
You belong and are worth it.
You don't deserve it.
To feel this way.
You are beautiful in a special way.
A way only you can be.

I hurt like you do.
I feel the same.
I cry out please take this away.
Don't give up tonight.
Friend please win this fight.
It's easier with you around.
We can help each other out.

Listen to my voice.
It's more then just a noise.
You belong and are worth it.
You don't deserve it.
To feel this way
You are beautiful in a special way.
A way only you can be.
You are more beautiful then you think.

Listen to my voice.
It's more then just a noise.
You belong and are worth it.
You don't deserve it.
To feel this way.
You are beautiful in a special way.
A way only you can be."

She finished singing looking up at the boy. He had a bright smile on his face. She smiled back. "That was good." He said. She blushed slightly. "T-thanks." She said with a small smile. She faked a yawn. "I'm going to sleep." She said laying down on her side, facing the wall. She fell asleep with a smile on her face. Twilight got up, and brushed a hand through her hair before walking over to his bed. He laid down, smiling as he drifted to sleep.

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