chapter 6

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Maggie woke up stretching as the sunlight shined through the window. She slowly blinked open her blue eyes. She was the first one up. Maggie slipped off the bed heading to get dressed. She opened the bathroom door heading back into the room. She sighed, it was almost breakfast and no one was wake. "Come on boys food time!" She yelled, clapping her hands. All she heard was groans as no one made a move to wake up. Maggie rolled her eyes. She walked to Grinsburge and knelt in front of his bed. "Grinsburge." She cooed softly, shaking his shoulder. "Wake up Grinsburge." He slowly opened his eyes. She smiled at him. "Go get dressed." She told him moving on to Cheeseburger. She shook his shoulder. "Cheeseburger wake up." He woke up a lot easy then Grinsburge. He got up slowly, stretching. She moved over to where Genius bar. She tapped his arm and his eyes immediately opened. "Dang your easy to wake up." She laughed. Genius bar smiled at her. Hollywood was on the top bunk. She stood up on the ladder. "Hollywood. Wake up." She said nudging him. "Hollywood." She tried again. He wouldn't budge. "Hollywood!" She yelled in his ear. He jumped waking up. She smirked. "Glad your up." She walked over to Sanjay. "Sanjay wake up." She said in a loud voice. "Not yet mom." She laughed. "Wake up it's breakfast time." Sanjay woke up after she said breakfast. Maggie looked at Delroy. He was blinking his eyes. "Good he's wake." She said. Maggie walked to Twilight. "Wake up Twi." She said in a soft voice, poking his cheek. He groaned, swatting at her hand. She held on to the ladder with one hand. "Twi come on Twi." She cooed. He opened his brown eyes meeting her's. She smiled at him. "Now that everyone is up it's breakfast time!" She yelled "Get dressed!"

After breakfast they went swimming. She watched from the shore. "Aren't you coming in?" Hollywood asked. "No I don't swim." She replied. "How about we go do archery?" Sanjay asked. Maggie jumped up nodding. She ran off to the archery field. "Race you!" She yelled, giggle. She heard the boys get out of the water and start to chase after her. She stopped running as she made it. "Ha beat you." She giggled looking at the boys, who were out of breath.

It turned out Hollywood and Maggie were great at archery. "Twilight it's your turn." Sanjay said, looking at him. "No it's not." He voiced and continued reading his book. Maggie walked over sitting on the table, placing her chin on his shoulder. "Whatcha reading?" She asked him. Twilight closed the book, marking his page. He showed the cover. It had a vampire on it. "How fitting." She laughed softly. He looked over at her, nose inches from her cheek. She gazed at the book, reading the words printed on the paper. He turned back to his book, holding it up some so she could get a better view. It was getting to one of the good parts. She grabbed on to his arm as she read. He looked over at her again. He laughed softly. She turned to him giving him a playful glare. Soon she realized that Genius bar and Delroy we're missing. "Where did they go?" She asked no one. Twilight looked up. "Come on guys. Let's go to the cheerleader camp." Sanjay said. Maggie rolled her eyes as the boys except Twilight agreed.

They started walking, Maggie stayed in the back. "Guys are we really going to see cheerleaders?" She asked. "Yes Werewolf." Sanjay groaned. She rolled her eyes, but felt a arm go around her shoulders. She looked over to the side to see Twilight, his cheeks dusted a light pink. She moved closer to his side, smiling. Delroy and Genius bar ran in front of them from the woods. "Guys it's Antson his collar." Delroy said out of breath. Just then Antson followed, snarling and growling. They took off running. Maggie holding Twilight's hand. They got to the cabin. "Can we sleep in our clothes?" Grinsburge asked. "No." Sanjay said looking at him. "Delroy?" Grinsburge turned to the younger one. "Um sure." He said. The boys cheered. Just then a zombie Brogen. Everyone started to scream. A arrow flow past hitting him dead in the chest. "Nice one Hollywood!" Sanjay cheered. "It wasn't him." Twilight said holding a bow. "It's not that I didn't want to patience just didn't need it." He shrugged. More zombies came banging on the door. She let out a squeak. "Okay guys me and Sanjay are going to find weapons." Maggie nods watching as they left. "Be careful." She said closing the door. She heard groans and growls come from outside. Maggie jumped. She climbed up the ladder to where Twilight was. "Twi?" She asked quietly, pecking over the side. He looked at her. "Yes Wolfy?" She looked down not meeting his eyes. "Can I stay up here with you tonight?" She let out in a squeak of a voice. He moved over. "Sure. Come on up." She smiled, crawling up on to the bed. She sat down, covering her mouth with a hand trying to cover up her yawn. Twilight pulled up his blanket, wrapping it around her. She blushed looking away. "You can sleep Maggie." He said softly. Maggie looked at him with a small smile. She laid down curling up in his blanket. She took a deep breath then sighed happily. Twilight petted her hair softly. "Night Twi." She said opening her sleepy eyes. "Goodnight Mag." She smiled closing her eyes. Soon soft snores where heard coming from her mouth. "So your protecting your girlfriend?" Hollywood asked. Twilight scolded at him, a blush appearing on his cheeks. "She's not my girlfriend!" Hollywood rolled his eyes, they others laughing softly. "I give it till the end of camp. I bet she likes you." He said. Twilight rolled his eyes. "Whatever." He muttered laying down beside her. He looked at her. "Like she'd even like me." Twilight said. Before drifting to sleep.

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