{Chapter 15}

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"Princess, Are you alright?" I fluttered my eyelids turning to the maid. 

I hadn't even noticed her, had she asked me something? "You seem dazed your highness, have you something in mind?" They adjusted the bow of the dress waiting for my response. 

Right after falling into temptation I had managed to control myself and decided I would think about whether I would give Arthur the gold, I wouldn't let him gain the upper hand on me. I was now preparing for a dinner with my father, as unfortunate as it may be Arthur would be there as well since he had presented himself as some envoy or ambassador. Whichever one it was, he was good at playing his part. 

I feared seeing him again, this time I might just do something I regretted if we were alone. I was a princess and still hadn't decided what to do yet, I did want to return to sea. But I had just returned to my family, I was also worried about my father's well-being. It was all too difficult to decide now, Even if it wasn't with Arthur I would surely return one day so I would take my time. 

They finished their adjustments bowing their heads as I made my way out, I was glad to have heard of my uncle's return to his home. I thought they had imprisoned him but he was let go of and rewarded for having protected me until now, I would have to send him a letter so that he wouldn't worry too much. I bumped into Ludwig, and both of us decided to enter together. 

The doors opened and the dim lighting of the candlelights made the room glow a golden color, I curtsied at the sight of my father bending my knee and lowering my head before being guided to my seat. It was by my father's left, across from Gilbert and beside Ludwig. At the end of the table sat Kiku and Arthur, it was a rather small table than usual for guests but spacious. 

"We do hope the food is to your liking Prince Kiku," I glanced over, immediately regretting it after meeting Arthur's smug expression. 

I ate my food, listening to the conversations and commenting here and there. All while feeling the heavy gaze of those green eyes of his, After answering all the questions my father had about my life up until now he made his way back to his room. 

I glanced over at Arthur, watching as his lips worded 'Gold'. I hadn't even agreed to his demand and yet he was bringing it up as though it had been decided, Getting him a good amount of gold wouldn't be hard. I had savings that had not been touched in years, and enough jewels to keep him well for years to come. I just didn't want to give in to him, It was better to keep him in check. 

"I will be retiring for the night," I got up bending slightly to my brothers. "Tomorrow evening we will reward the Scandinavian pirates," Added Ludwig. 

I nodded making my way out, walking down the halls. I made my way back to my room, removing the dress and jewelry. I had forgotten why help was needed to put many layers on, Before I could even begin with the corset the door swung open. I quickly crouched down shutting my eyes to cover myself caught off guard by the sudden intrusion, 

"Oh my, what a warm welcome were you preparing yourself for my visit?" I peeked over glaring at Arthur, watching as he stepped in closing the door behind him. 

"What do you think you're doing?!" He tilted his head in confusion. 

His eyebrows raise as he comes to a realization, "Oh do not worry love, I've seen much more than just undergarments. This much won't be enough to arouse me," He walked over to the bed glancing around the room. 

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