~Chapter 37~

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~Your point if view ~
I felt the blood rushing through my veins boil up as she kissed Arthur. I was happy Leon was there stopping me and saving my energy besides I bet if Arthur found out about Leon kissing me he would have killed us both. Emily looked irritated. "Your not going to fight for what's yours." She said. I looked at Arthur he looked hurt. I stood up and stumbled a bit but was able to keep my balance. I started walking, I was getting pissed not just angry oh no this was the point were I surely was going to give in to satisfaction of killing. "(Y/n)!" Shouted Leon and Arthur in a unison as they rushed over to me. I glared at both of them. Emily came running after me and smirked. I was pissed even more the veins were popping out of my skin. She kicked Arthur were the sun don't shine and then Slapped him while he was on the floor in pain. I rushed to his side. "Arthur are you alright?" I asked. He looked at me. "I'm done for." He mumbled. Leon started helping Arthur out after feeling bad for what just happened. I turned around and glared at Emily. "Get your damn throne and leave before I kill you after waking me up." I said glaring at her. She looked at me and glared back. "Please (y/n) calm down if you give her what she wants your going to end up hurt." Said Leon with a worried expression. "I'm really trying but it's making my blood boil with exitment and blood lust." I said looking at my hands. I still had the bandage that Elizabeth put on. After minutes Arthur finally felt better. Emily grabbed me by the hair pulling me up. "You weakling I wasted precious time here with someone like you." She said. I closed my eyes and calmed down. I regretted closing my eyes cause I just felt sleepy. She let me go making me fall to the ground. "Just a kick nap." I mumbled. I woke up to Arthur waking me up. "(Y/n) Please wake up." He said. I stood up i had a terrible headache and I was starving. I looked around and saw lovino on the floor. Hes shoulder had a small knife in it. Blood was in his shirt and Feliciano was holding him crying his eyes out. Antonio was fighting Emily while Matthew,alfred,and leon tried to calm down Feliciano and heal lovino. I sat up immediately. I felt weaker than before I couldn't even stand up without feeling light headed. I crawled over to lovino. "What happened?" I asked. He looked at me and was crying in pain. "That woman stabbed me." He said groaning in pain. "Feliciano let lovino go if you don't let him go they won't be able to heal him and he'll die from Loss of blood." I said with a serious expression while looking at Felicianos red face. He backed away and they immediately tended to his wound. I looked at Antonio who seemed to have a hard time. Arthur was helping him but he had a small cut on his arms. I stood up i was done, I finally snapped I was pissed more than  before. I got up i could feel excited and I wanted to see her begging for life. I walked up to her. "What's wrong princess like the present I gave your weak friend over there." She said smirking. I pushed Antonio out of the way and punched her in the face causing her nose to bleed. Antonio looked surprised and stood up immediately. I then kicked her in the stomach sending her flying hitting a tree. Her smirked was wiped off. She lunged at me and we kept hitting each other. Her hits weren't causing that much damage. In the other hand my hits left bruises. She was able to somehow end up on top of me pinning me to the ground. "Lets show Arthur a little present." She said unbotting my shirt. I kicked her in the stomach making her land besides me. My shirt was opened up revealing my wounds from when melody wiped me and the small cuts I had. Arthur looked flustered everyone did but they obviously understood this wasn't the right time. I quickly got up and grabbed a sword. I slid her throaght. The last thing I saw was her smirk. I felt a strange pain in my stomach. There was a sword in my stomach. She must have stabbed me that's probably why she had that smirk on her face. I looked at Arthur and smiled, his eyes opened up terrified. I walked over ignoring the pain in my stomach. He rushed over me to me and I fell in his arms. "I'm sorry." I said I grabbed the handle of the sword and quickly took the sword out. It hurt so bad but I held my screams in I didn't want Arthur to be afraid of worried. My time finally came I wanted to be buried peacefully with everyone smiling and being happy instead of mourning my death. I dropped the sword. He picked me up and rushed to a horse. The horses movement caused my wound to hurt even more than before. "Arthur I'm glad to be in your arms before I leave." I said looking at his emerald eyes. "Don't say that well make it in time." He said panicked. After hours of riding the horse in through the forest we reached the  town. The horse went faster and rushed past the guards. Arthur quickly got off the horse and picked me up again, he ran inside the castle bursting the doors open. As he ran through the hallways I saw Charles. He looked at Arthur and then at me. He screamed out in terror while shouting out my name. My aunt and uncle quickly got out from what I'm guessing was the first room. Lucy fell to her knees and looked pale. My uncle rushed over to us and was shaking. I smiled at him. Arthur moved past them and made his way through ignoring their screams. I saw a maid and she looked shocked. I saw my brothers headquarters Arthur rushed inside. My brother was sitting down looking happy. He immediately turned around and looked at us. He ran to me an was also shaking his violet red eyes filled with tears. He took me from Arthur's arms and carried me to the royal doctor. He laid me on the bed and the doctor started working immediately. I could see the maids push my brother back and they closed the door. I closed my eyes and felt the pain.
~Arthur's point of view~
I ran after the king. After finally figuring out where he went I saw him standing outside he was crying and banging at the door. "Let me in!" He shouted. I ran over to him. He grabbed me but he the collar. "What happened zo her?" He shouted. "The second female pirate pissed her off and they fought a-and (y/n) s-stabbed her out before she could Emily had already stabbed her in the stomach." I said panicking even more. He let me go and fell to his knees crying. I punched the wall and cried also. My heart felt like it was riped to shreads. (Y/n)'s uncle and aunt came toward us. They were crying their eyes out. "Big sister!" Screamed Charles. After that the king also started screaming her name. I felt broken this pain was something I couldn't handle. After 7 hours of anxious waiting the doctor came out. The king rushed over to him immediately. "What iz it doctor?" He asked panicking. The doctor let the tears stroll down his face. He looked down. "We couldnt" he said. The king stood there he fell to his knees and screamed in agony while crying his eyes out. He stood up and rushed in the room. I followed along not believing it. I saw her she looked calm and peaceful. The king kneeled beside her hugging her. She didn't move and looked pale. I began to cry also, I couldn't believe what I was seeing I didn't want to. I never thought I'd loose her this way. Little Charles ran in and also hugged her hand. Her uncle came in and shouted out her name while looking at her. Lucy looked traumatized and fainted. I rushed out and ran out to catch some air. It was now raining. "D-dammit!" I shouted as I covered my face with my hands. I let all of my tears fall, this wasn't fair nobody would have expected her to fall like this. I suddenly blacked out this was too much for me. The last thing i heard was the rain.
~Your point of view ~
I opened my eyes. Everything was white there was no one around. I looked around and found 2 doors. "Where am I?" I mumbled walking towards the doors. The door on the right had a sign that read 'life'.
The door on the left had a sign that read 'death'. Was I really dead already. "My sweet precious daughter."Said a voice I knew too well. I turned around immediately. In front of me was my father. I hugged him I've missed him so much. "Your too young to be here." He said. I closed my eyes. "I'm sorry papa all I did was cause trouble, my power is too strong and I kill people for fun." I paused and looked up at him. "How can you still love me knowing I'm a cold blooded killer. " I said. He had tears in his eyes. "Your my daughter all though I wish I was there to stop you from making mistakes I wanted you to be able yo fix them by yourself." He said pausing. "Your not just a cold blooded killer, you helped so many people you have a soft soul everyone in your kingdom knows you for that side." He said. I turned around and the doors were gone, instead there was a display of what was going on in the living world.  Arthur was in his room he looked depressed and kept crying. My aunt and uncle were crying while trying to comfort little Charles who kept shouting my name. My brother was being held back from killing the doctor while screaming at him for not saving me. I didn't want to see this, I didn't like it. Zen was sobbing while looking at the rain fall. The crew were crying like children while talking about old memories with me. Leon was hugging his knees while the Nordic comforted each other the entire kingdom looked depressed . "Why are you showing me this?" I asked. "You need you choose a path, the path you take will change everything so you have to choose wisely." He said. I didn't want to go back I wanted to stay here so I wouldn't have to kill anymore and so I could restart but I didn't want to see my dear friends and family crying. I took a deep breath and hugged my father on last time. "Thank you papa." I mumbled. He kissed my forehead and dissapered. I turned around and the doors were there. I opened the door to life and closed my eyes everything went white.

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