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Lance was working harder than he should've been. It was clear now. He was pushing beyond his abilities. He hadn't slept in almost two weeks and the last time he ate something was breakfast two days ago. His vision keeps blurring in and out of focus during training. He was on level twenty two now, far surpassing Keith and Shiro but it wasn't enough. He wasn't strong enough to call himself a paladin.

A swift kick to his legs was all it took to get him down. His head was ringing and the black dots in his vision wouldn't fade. He just laid there, his body crumpled, his nose bleeding from the impact.

He heard footsteps and tried to rise. He couldn't make someone help him, he was such a burden. He managed to get onto his feet when Hunk came in. His eyes appraised once before he asked, "Are you okay Lance?"

"I'm just....fine." Lance said before he fell to the ground, his knees giving out on him. Hunk scrambled forward and picked him up and held him close. "I'm sorry," Lance mumbled. Hunk looked at him in surprise.

"Why are you sorry, Lance?" he whispered, He wiped some of the blood away but it kept gushing. "You always say that, even when you don't do anything wrong."

"Nothing wrong?" Lance laughed. It sounded broken and full of pain. "I exist. How is that not wrong?"

Hunk's eyes widened. "Lance.." he breathed. Lance flinched. He knew what was coming. "How...how many pills do you have left?"

"I ran out three months ago..." Lance sighed. Hunk gasped and looked closer at Lance. It was then that he noticed all the subtle changes he hadn't noticed before. Lance looked tired. Not just exhausted from the lack of sleep. He looked mentally and emotionally tired. Like he couldn't be bothered to live anymore. He had dark black bags under his eyes and he was incredibly frail.

"Lance," Hunk said. "Have you been eating?"

Lance weakly nodded. "Of course, Hunk. My buddy. My...pal.....just a little.......tired...is all.." Lance trailed on. His voice got softer and softer until it stopped. The blue paladin had passed out after neglecting his body and state of mind for three months.

Hunk was about to call for help, Lance needed to be put in a healing pod but he wasn't sure if he could lift Lance. But he stopped himself when a sickening feeling entered his chest. Hunk gently lifted Lance and his stomach twisted. Lance was terrifyingly light.

He ran to the bay, passing the team who was still in the dining room with his panic. He was yelling at Coran to get a pod ready. The rest of the team surrounded him. There wasn't any physical damage that they could see, other than the bloody nose so they were freaking out as to why the paladin was unconscious.

"I'll explain everything in a minute!" Hunk screamed. "Just get him in the fucking pod! NOW!" Everyone rushed even quicker at Hunk's outburst. Hunk was the most gentle person on the team, so if he was using a curse word...all hell is about to break loose.

Lance was finally set in the pod. He looked so peaceful. Everyone looked at Hunk wide eyed. Hunk sighed and motioned for everyone to sit.

"Get comfortable." he said sadly. "This will take a while."

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