Gender Reveal (349)

713 8 2

Date:December 25,2017
Every one is here so i yell down stairs "Hey y'all let's figure out this babys gender #1

We're glad you're here to share the news!To find the surprise just follow the clues.Solve the rhyme if you want to know,Then off to that location you'll go!Let's start off with a nursery rhyme.Maybe one about a timeA mouse ran up a fancy clock.You know it, Hickory Dickory Dock!" they run to the clock and hand me the paper

 "#2 The candlestick maker, the butcher, the baker.Were all three very good mates.They floated along. Try singing their song! And find where your next clue waits!"

they think and annie walks to the bath tub and brings the paper out "#3

The first nursery rhyme most of us know;We roll it and pat it. Now how does it go?"

They go to the oven and bring the paper out "#4

Now Piper,Winnie and gg are three lucky ones,Unlike Mother Hubbard's dog. That guy had none!" hayden walks to the bones because we have some for when gg comes 


Your next clue is just over there.To find it, match this silly pair:Cat plus fiddle, cow plus moon,The dog is laughing, and the dish plus who??" Mom runs over to the spoons and takes the paper out 


If knowing the baby's gender is your wishJust thinking of Humpty! He sat on this!" mom reads and Hayley walks over to the wall and grabs the paper on the wall 

"#7, Final Clue

We know you're excited as can be!But wait so everyone can see!We'll count to three and then you'll spray The pink or blue string we brought today.Then we'll all know girl or boy And celebrate this bundle of joy!" Carson and i hand out silly string to everyone and i put a big board up and it had a bulls-eye on it so we count down "5,4,3,2,1 Spray!!!!!" we all spray and you see pink string everywhere. Everyone is Screaming. Carson comes over and hugs me and kisses me

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