Its not one...

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Date: April 16,2019

Lillith age:23 months old

"Alright guys we are heading to my doctors appointment to find out this little buns gender" I say to the camera

"Yeah I hope its a girl" Annie says to the camera "so I can do her hair and do her makeup and go shopping with her and oh my gosh I'm excited"

"Annie you have Lillith you can do Lillith's hair" I say

"She doesn't let me watch..Lillith can I do your hair?"


"And why not?"

"Ickey" Lillith says laughing

"Lillith that's not nice say sorry" I say and look back

"No!" Lillith yells

"You have 3 seconds or your going to stay home all alone.  1. 2."

"Okay I sorry" she says and gets in her carseat . now Lillith is very smart she learned to talk very early and she was walking before crawling so instead of terrible 2's we have terrible 1's 

"Okay where is Carson and mom and dad I know Hayley is in back but where are they" I say and honk the horn. Carson gets in front and hands me the horse lead

"You go catch Knight" I get out of the car and go through the gate and he come up to me and puts his head down

"What's wrong buddy" I say and pet him and take him to the stables and put him in his. I walk out to the car and we all get in and head to the appointment

"Okay guys we just made it to our appointment and I'm checked in and yeah let's go sit down, and after this I'm taking Lillith and Annie and Hayley to the movies and maybe Carson can come but were not sure because he has some work to do and after Annie and Hayley are going to brat to film so yeah" I say to the camera

"Keegan Leblanc" the nurse says and I get up and follow her and the whole family follows "you have like a train honestly" we laugh

"Is it okay to film this?" I ask and sit on the table and lay back

"Yeah totally" she says and lifts my shirt up "I will be right back with your doctor"

"Guys are you excited?" I say looking at them

"I want a baby sister" Lillith says while looking up at Carson and I

"Well what if its not? What if its a boy?" I say to Lillith

"What if its both?" Annie says and we all look at her "what Keegan is pretty big"

"Annie!" Mom says hitting her shoulder

"What she is!" Annie says as we hear a nock on the door

"Hi I'm docter Sivia I'm gonna check how the baby is doing and are you sure that your 20 weeks? Your a little on the big side. Not to alarm you but you could be having twins or even triplets"

"Ooo that would be cool having triplets then you could name them Madison Dakota And Riley" Hayley says

"Well its a possibility" she says putting the jelly on my stomach and using the stick

"Well its a possibility" she says putting the jelly on my stomach and using the stick

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"And I was right your having twins and there is a boy and a girl"

"Oh my gosh we were planning for 1 not 2!" I say and look to Carson

"Wow I have good sperm" he says looking at the screen

"Okay would you like pictures?" I nod and look to mom who hasn't said anything

"Mom are you okay?" I say and she looks over and nods

"I'm great I can't believe your having 2"

"And little Lillith is gonna help choose one name" I say

"Wait its a sister?" Lillith says

"How old is she" the doctor says pointing to Lillith

"Almost two" I say

"How does she talk to well?" She says

"Well she was around a lot of people and picked it up I guess"

"Mommy is it a girl?" Lillith says

"girl and a boy" I say looking at her

"Can we switch the boy for a girl?"she says making everyone laugh

"No we can't" Carson says

"Why not I don't want a brother"Lillith says

"But you'll have a sister and a brother" I say

"Oh can I name a girl?"she says

"Yes you can" Carson says

"Okay Madison Mae Leblanc" she says looking up to Carson

~~~time skip~~~
"Okay guys so we got to know the gender of the baby and we are going to have a board set up and we have to throw pins at it and it will either have blue or pink in it so next week we are going to have a gender reveal in Maryland and what Carson doesn't know is I'm actually flying his grandparents out to see the gender reveal" I say to the camera

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