Another baby...

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Date:November 18

Lillith age: 18 months old

"Mommy milkey!" Lillith yells running up and handing me her sippy cup

"Lillith wait just a second okay?" I say and I set the pregnancy test down. I walk down stairs with Lillith hot on my tail.

"Mommy milkey!!" She yells again

"Lillith you yell one more time your going in time out"

"But I want milkey"

"You will get your milkey if you wait just a second" I say walking in the kitchen "now what milkey do you want"


"Okay I will get it..  CARSON!" I yell as I pour some chocolate milk in her sippy cup I hand it to her. Carson comes running down

"Yeah what's up"

"Well what do you think of having another little Baby around?"

"Wait... Does this mean...your...pregnant?"

"Yeah" he runs up to me and lifts me up and spins me around "Carson don't make a big deal out of it" I laugh and he looks at me and kisses me "hey Lillith do you want to be a big sister" I ask bending down to her height

"Yeah!" She yells and runs away with her sippy cup

"Well I guess that's good" I say and my parents come in the room

"What's good news" mom says setting down the things she bought

"Well Lillith decided that milk was good"

"Oh that is good" mom says and I pull Carson out of the room

"We can't tell them yet"I say to him

"No how bout we tell them on Christmas?"

"Yeah perfect we need to grab the..."

"Hey what's this" Annie walks up to me with the pregnancy test "are you pregnant again?"

"Yes Annie I am don't tell anyone"

"Okay" she says and hands me the test and runs away. I go up to the room and sit on the bed wondering if its a boy or a girl.

The First LeblancTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon