I Love You- Lesbian Larry Stylinson Fanfiction

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Hello there. Just saying hi and wanting to let you all know that your are wonderful. Some facts about me? Okay, well I am a confused girl writing stories about a gay ship named Larry Stylinson in lesbian form! If you have any problem with that please feel free to tell me but I honestly don't care. So I hope you love it! I am a slow updater just trying to let you know before hand, but I honestly love the whole point of this story so I promise to try and update regularly. I actually day-dreamed this story up in science class but the characters consisted of my crush and myself, but I was like hey, nobody really writes Lesbian Larry so let do it!

So in the story Harry(is gonna be called Haz most of the time), Niall, and Louis (Lou) are all girls.

Well I love you and hope you love it!

P.S I the story is gonna start very quickly because I want to get to the point of it so please bear with me through the beginning.

Haz's Pov:

"Front or back?"

"You have nooo idea how inappropriate that sounds!" I say laughing.

"You know what I mean." She says with a smirk.

"Front, you should know that Lou."

"Are you sure you guys aren't a couple because you would be so cute!" Niall says.

"Niall! Jeez." Niall huffs at me while I get the popcorn out of the microwave, pour it into the bowl. I then walk over to the couch to take my spot as the little spoon in front of Lou, my best friend, and the big spoon in the cuddling situation. We are best friends, we have been since toddlers.

We are all next door neighbors too, Lou Tomlinson to my right and Niall Horan to my left. For some reason though, Lou and I have always been closer even though she is a year older. We still have never started to grow apart though. Niall is my age though, and we are both Juniors at Holmes Chapel Comprehensive High School(while Lou is a senior).

"Start the movie you lazy bum!" I joke.

"Harry Styles don't make me call you by your full name!" She laughs as she presses the play button on the remote.

"Well, Louissa Tomlinson, that would be a waste since you already did!" Her and Niall burst out laughing.

"Lou-" "Louis" "LOUISSA?!" She bursts out laughing, I huff and fake pout. I slide to the very edge of the couch so I am about to fall off, and, so none of body is touchings hers.

"Oh, Haz, I'm sorry! But come on Louissa?" She surpresses her urge to burst into laughing again.

" And you know I didn't mean it! I love your name it's beautiful. Please cuddle with me, I'm freezing without my Hazzabear!" She reaches up and wraps her arms around my waste and pulls me close to her.

"Okay fine but only because I love you." I wiggle my butt into her and smile. She laughs and tightens her grip around me, and I am completely okay with her doing that.


The movie finishes, and it was actually really good! It was about some disease taking over the world, and the disease is kind of like rabies so you get it by being bitten by another person. And if you get bit you go awol like some zombie thing. And then this dad goes on this big trip to try to find a cure and tons of bad crap happens to him and ya, so I liked it.

"Well I don't know about you guys but I thought it was really good!" Niall praises.

"I completely agree Ni! Did you like it Lou?" I turn around in her grip and look at her.

"Eh, it was okay. Wanna watch another? Amittyville Horror is on that shelf right by you Ni." I agree with her and tell Niall to grab it, she grabs it and puts it in. She sits back on the couch with the movie box in hand.

"Ooooo yay this is the new one with Ryan Renolds! He is sooo hot!!" She says fixing her long died blond hair into a bun on the top of her head. I smile at her and silently nod my head in agreement. Ya Ryan Renolds is hot but so is Miley Cyrus and Emma Stone. But hey it don't matter that I think girls are more attractive than guys, but nobody has to know that for awhile.


The well known sex scene comes on and for some reason the chicks on top. I feel Lou shift uncomfortably behind me so I turn around to look at her.

"You okay?" I whisper, trying not to distract Niall from the movie, she usually gets pissed when I do.

"Ya, just kinda strange that the girls on top. That only happens in lesbian sex." She whispers back, keeping her eyes on the movie.

"O-Oh so you know about lesbian sex ey?" I awkwardly smirk.

"Well no but I'm assuming that how it works." She blushes.

"Ya, probably.... so do you think there is anything wrong with gay o-or lesbian sex?" I whisper now not making eye contact with her hoping she says no.

"I don't want to have any relation with it." She simply answers. I nod, there is a strange silence so I turn back around and glue my eyes on the movie.

"If it's not with you." She mumbles.

WHAT?!?!? Did she really just say that. I turn around and look at her with questioning eyes, and right when I try and say something. Her lips cut me off the the sweetest and lightest kiss, fireworks explode all around my head. I involuntarily close my eyes but then right away her lips are gone. So I slowly open my eyes again.

"Sorry-" She starts in but I cut her off.

"It's fine." I smile and turn back around.

I eventually fall asleep, my dreams being filled with a certain blue-eyed girl.

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