Chapter 2

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Okay so second chapter yay! Well my chapters are kind of short at the beginning but don't worry they will get better. So I'm sorry if you hated the first chapter, I kind of hated it myself but I gotta keep going. Also I just wanted to let you all know that all the boys are gonna be girls in this story. So Lou is Louis, Niall is Niall, Zayn is Zayn, Liam is Liam, and Haz/Harry is Harry but all in girl form. Oh and I might also be throwing in Perrie, Eleanor, Sophia and such but I don't know yet!

Well I love you all and if you are ever bored check me out on insta @the_birdies_eyebrows, I keep losing followers so you should follow me if you feel like it because losing followers is not cool!

Lou's POV:

I don't really know what happened, but all I knew was how badly I wanted to kiss her.

I have been having these weird mixed feelings, like when we are walking next to each other in the mall I want to hold her hand. Or when she is crying over a sad movie, I want to pull her onto my lap, protect her from harm and kiss her tears away. And not to mention when I see her with her other schools friends, laughing and hugging, I feel jealous. And as a best friend I shouldn't feel this way, so I had to find out if it was something more. And that kiss, I mean isnt wasnt a very smart move because sh could have reacted terribly but still, that kiss was wow. After that, I don't want to be just best friends I want to be more.

Niall's loud snore woke me from my thought process. The movies credits are rolling, and these two have been asleep for awhile. So in conclusion the movie must have sucked, because I don't remember the name of it and it put these two to sleep.

I grab the remote and turn off the TV, kind of difficult because I am still wedged between a very uncomfortable leather couch and a very comfortable sleeping Haz, not that I mind though. I wrap my arms around my Hazza and pull her close to me, I bury my head in her hair and try to start to fall asleep.

"ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!" Oh my fucking god, Niall's little snores are turning into booming thunder strikes, and it is fucking impossible to fall asleep with this thing making these inhumane noises.

I awkwardly maneuver my self out of the spooning position and get up on my feet. I stand up on my tippy-toes and crack my back, I turn around to check the clock above the TV, 3:27a.m.

I reach down and scoop up Haz, I carry her bridal style to her room, but not before I throw a pillow in Niall's face.

I lay her down and pull the duvet over her, she is the most beautiful thing when she is asleep. I start to leave but I remember, why the hell would I go back out there to sleep in the same room as rhino snorer? I pull the duvet over myself and crawl in. I lay my head down on the same pillow Haz is using, but she is facing the opposite way of me, so I casually throw my arm over her and snuggle into her. I take in a big wiff of her smell, she smells so good, and with that thought in my head, I fall into a deep and very comfortable slumber.

2 Months Later:

"Louuu!!" She wined.


"Let's go out tonight! Let's go dancing! Please boobear? You can skip the dinner!" She pleads.

"Haz I would love to do that but you know I can't. It's the team dinner, and I'm team captain, I can't skip." She crawls over to me, and sits down on my lap.

"So your football team is more important than your girlfriend? Hmmm is that the problem?" She says with the cutest pout.

"Never." I grab her by the back of the neck and ever so gently brush my lips against hers, I go to pull away, but she growls in disagreement, and pulls me back to her. She drags her tongue across my lips asking for entrance, which of course I grant. Her tongue touches every part of my mouth causing little butterflies to erupt in my stomach. I run my hands through her thick curly brown hair, while her nails dig into my sides. After a little while we both need to go up for air, she breaks the kiss and I rest my forehead against hers. She gives out a breathy laugh, and lifts her gaze to meet mine. Her beautiful green eyes meet my dull blue ones.

"Oh Lou, you have the most beautiful eyes." She says, not moving her gaze from mine. I laugh at her.

"Not as stunning as yours I'm afraid." She sits up straight and brings her hand to my face. She lightly rubs her hand down the side of my face, and kisses the crease of my left eye.

"You are the most beautiful girl in the whole world, you with your golden straight hair, your piercing blue eyes, your powerful and flamboyant personality, and your ability to make everyone laugh! I am luckiest person in the world to call you mine."

"I love you." I breathe out not even thinking. She looks at me, and then her lips quirk up in a small smile.

"I love you too." She says with the biggest smile on her face. She loves me too!!

I lean into kiss her but she just tilts her head to the side, so my lips land on her cheek.

"Hazza!" I whine. "That wasn't nice!"

She gets up off my lap and extends her arms to me, motioning for me to get up.

"Lou, you were just saying how you needed to go to this dinner, and if you want to go you have to be on time." She laughs at me as I grab her hand.

"Ummmm okay fine. But when I get back I want to cuddle." I pout.

"I completely agree boobear!" she says while she walks me to the front door of her house.

"I love you Hazzabear, save me a seat on the couch we are gonna be watching the Notebook tonight!" I smile while opening the door to leave.

"Of course I will, have a good time with your team. And hey boobear?"

"Yes hazzabear?"

" I love you way more!!!! And hurry up Zayn is gonna pick you up in like half an hour!" I nod barely listening to what she said after her first three words, I love it when she tells me she loves me, it's absolutely perfect hearing those words fall from her lips.

"Okay bye! And Hazza that's not possible!!"

"BYE!" she yells back laughing while I cross the yard to my own home.

I Love You - Lesbian Larry Stylinson FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora