Chapter 5

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Okay so the good news is that this is actually getting some reads! Well, I am currently bored out of my mind right now and I think that I wanna start writing a regular Larry story but I gotta finish this so I will don't worry.

Have a fabulous day fabulous people.

Lou's POV:




Urgg, I try to move, but my head is pounding, no, just kidding everything is pounding!




Mother fucking aa. Somebody turn that annoying noise off. I try to open my eyes, as soon as I do bright light flashes directly in them, I shut them tightly again wincing. I move around a bit an finally gain the courage to open my eyes again. I am met with an unfamiliar women looking down at me with a over exaggerated smile and a clipboard.

"Who are you?" I cry, backing as far away from her as this bed will let, just now realising that it is not mine.

"I am Dr. Grey nice to finally meet you Ms. Tomlinson." She smiles wider, if that's even possible and tries to approach me. I back away even more and she takes that as her que to stop.

"W-where a-am I?" I stutter, my body is visibly shaking now.

"Ms. Tomlinson you are in a hospital you have been in a severe car accident." The doctor tells me.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I think I am having a heart attack! How the hell can she just tell me this so calmly?!

"Ms. Tomlinson you need to calm down. You are fine. You are safe now, and don't worry your friend is safe too. And your family is just outside too." The doctor comes up to me and rest her hand on my arm.

I immediately pull my arm away from her. I am still shaking but the annoying beeping goes down.

"I will be right back." The doctor continues and walks out the door. I shoot her a puzzled look still not understanding. I groan in frustration and run my hands through my hair, ooo it appears to be golden, wait why didnt i know that? And why is it so oily. I lay back down in the bed and take a look around, from what I see the woman/doctor was right, this is a hospital room, everything is white.

I am interrupted from my thoughts when a very shaken up looking woman comes running through the door with that lady doctor right behind her.

"Lou!" She cries, tears coming to her eyes. She rushes to my bed side and reaches for my face, I jerk my body back and look at her with pure fear in my eyes.

"Lou? Honey are you okay?" The woman asked stunned, hurt evidently filling her voice.

"Who are you?" I stutter out.

"Lou." A tear falls from her eye. "I am your mother." She chokes out. Reaching out to stroke my cheek, and I oddly let her.

Instantly memories come flooding through my head. There are memories of her kissing me, laughing with me, and wait I see more people, little girls, I have sisters. I don't know there names, but I somehow know we are related. I look up at the woman that claims to be my mother and nod. I lean into the touch.

"Jay?" She nods.

"...Mom." I continue, she looks at me through her teary eyes a smiles, and huge smile, the biggest I've ever seen. She hugs me, and strangely I relax into the hug. It feels right, it feels normal.

"I think we all have to have a little talk about the condition of your daughter Mrs. Tomlinson." The doctor says, walking up to Ja-, I mean my mom and I.

"Jay, call me Jay please." My mom smiles, sitting down on my hospital bed with me.

"Okay Jay, well as I have seen Lou here has something know as Selective Memory loss." My moms gulps and looks down at the floor.

"So what does that mean Dr.Grey?" Mom asks stilling looking at the ground.

"It mean that she has lost parts of her memory. Other parts of her memory though can easily return through her senses, like what happened with you. Now, I am not sure if her whole memory will return but in most cases it does, but things like this take time. So Lou, right now I am going to ask you a series of questions about yourself and your life. Is that alright?" Asks the doctor. I nod.


After some while I start to become tired. The sound of my mom and my doctor finally puts me asleep.


No, I want to fall back asleep that was a good dream. I was playing some game where you pass around this ball with your feet, um... what was it No, baske- FOOTBALL! It was football and I was really good at it, and everyone was cheering and I was holding some sort of trophy. Maybe it was a memory, probably not though, most likely just a dream.

"Lou?" A very panicked female voice asks. I wanted to continue my dream, so I ignore it and try to fall back asleep. But the voice gets louder and closer and pretty soon I feel a hand clasp my shoulder. I sit up right and rip the hand of the mystery person off me and am met with the most beautiful green eyes I have ever seen, I immediately get lost in them, but manage to shake myself out of it.

A girl that looks to be around my age is the owner of the stunning green eyes, she has thick brown curly hair, cream colored skin, and a very slim body. She looks at me with wide eyes and tries to grab my hand again. I move it away from her and scoot as far away from her as possible.

"Who are you?!" I stutter out, trying to not start shaking again. Her eyes get wide and now her eyes fill with panic.

"Lou? I'm Ha-Harry." She gasps, her voice getting shaky. I start shaking my head.

"I-I do-!" I cry out, but am stopped when my mom and doctor rush in. My mom rushes to my side and comforts me. While the girl, Harry, slowly backs up to the corner of the room, her too now shaking.

"Mom! Who is she?" I ask, my eyes on Harry. I see her flinch at my words.

My mom looks between Harry and I and smirks, but it disappears almost instantly, so I'm sure it was nothing.

"That's Harry." My mom says calmly.

"She has already told me that! But why is she here, in my room?" I ask, now turning my eyes onto my mother.

My mom looking between Harry and I for a while, you can tell she is deeply pondering something.

My mom finally meets my eyes, and she is smiling, a strange smile, but a smile none the less and calmly says, " Harry Styles here, is your best friend Lou."

I glance up to look at Harry, who apparently is my best friend and I see many emotions flash through her eyes. Confusion, anger, betrayl, and mainly hurt.

And without another word from her she slams the door and leaves.

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