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School was really becoming too stressful at the moment considering that my grades were constantly slipping, my so called "friends" would often ditch me for guys that break their hearts and run right back to me acting as if nothing happened, and last but most hurtful an unfaithful boyfriend. Yet senior year in high school is supposed to be the best? I guess I missed out on the memo.

As usual I'm alone again today, not that I'm complaining or being desperate to have someone to accompany me, I'd love to be alone than deal with my state of being. The class that I dread the most drained out my energy leaving me practically emotionless, looking unapproachable. Besides listening to the lecture, I stare off into space. I can but can't afford to miss this lecture. My grade now is probably a low B at the moment. This lecture can't possibly drop my grade any lower than a C.

My seat mate quickly drifts off to sleep giving me no choice but to take notes. He'd always let me copy his notes because unlike everyone else in the class he was the one who'd pay attention receiving good grades but today isn't everyone's day by observing their tired actions. He was quite sociable considering he was famous for his looks and his brown fluffy and healthy hair that looked good in any way you'd think of. Although he looked intimidating on the outside he was a real sweetheart on the inside. Which I wish my boyfriend was like. That wish will never will become a reality so there's literally no point in having high hopes.

I shouldn't even be thinking about the guy anyways he's probably off ditching class to hang out with his "friend" which I continue to think isn't just his friend. I'm honestly too annoyed to confront him about it already knowing the outcome of it. I'll just wait until he comes to me himself and dumps me at least I won't be bothered by people who shipped us reluctantly asking why.

As the professor continues to ramble on about late korean history that she's recently lectured us about, sluggishly I slide my left arm onto the desk resting my head on it allowing my hair to fall behind me on the desk. My grip loosened on the pencil, causing it to fall onto the desk startling the seat mate I've mentioned earlier whom is Taeyong. Taeyong eyed the pencil then my eyes realizing that our faces were both at the same level. "Myunha, did you take any notes?" He blinked away the brightness that disturbed his nap. "Yeah, I did. You can borrow my notebook after class." I instruct grabbing the pencil for the last time. He thanked me once again going off into another one his his fantasized dreams that kept him entertained throughout the entire class.

Flipping through the pages of my notebook, I landed on my rant page. I rant on paper because I know the people I know wouldn't care or bother to help, this will be the only thing that keeps me sane at least.  Continuing from where I left off ranting off about my boyfriend Dongwook and his unfair treatment, my wrist grew tired after writing maybe another two pages about the troublesome boy I've seemed to accept into my life. It's my fault, but it's his fault for acting in such a way that he thought wouldn't affect me.

The professor observed the classroom to spot anyone sleeping like Taeyong was right now. Out of consideration I nudged him on his side making him mumble something I couldn't hardly understand. "Hey, sleepy head! Get up before you'll be put in detention!" I warned ringing a tiny bell inside his head that brought him to realizing he was still in class and not in his room where he wished he'd be right now. Me too Taeyong, me too. His pale hand reached over to his barely visible eyes rubbing them ever gently to hide his tiring expression. By the time the professor glanced over into our corner Taeyong already was seated up acting as if he'd been taking notes trying to portray that innocent nerdy image he pulls off.

He turns his back on the class once again pleased that everyone at least got up before he ran over to their desk with his ruler smacking it loudly beside their heads. "Thanks Myunha! Sorry about all this." He sheepishly grinned while maintaining a whispered voice to prevent any attention to be drawn towards us. I nodded in response, holding my hands securely over the edge of my notebook to where Taeyong can't see what I was writing. That only grew suspicions to what I was writing but him minding his own business, he kept his eyes to himself. I adored the thought of people knowing they can be nosy as others always do, but they'd rather do whatever than to worry about anyone else's doing.

The bell rung and I waited for the professors approval for us to start packing and leave his classroom which didn't take long at all. "Here's my notebook, please give it back when you're finished!" I closed my notebook and handed it over to Taeyong who gently placed it inside his book bag thanking me non stop for being so kind and caring. I don't blame him, he actually cares about his grades dropping even to the slightest percent. After all I could have been stingy and rude. He flees out the classroom in a hurry whilst I was still packing up the highlighters and pencils that rolled around the desk. No point in rushing if I really have no one to go to besides food, the food won't run away from me.

I entered the crowded hallway full of students from different halls and classes and was greeted by Dongwook. "Hey Myunha, did you bring your lunch today? I forgot my wallet again!" He pleads matching my pace. This is the twelfth time he forgot his wallet this month. I didn't mind it at first and just starved until I arrived home and ate dinner but he grew it into a habit to eat my lunch and purposely forget his wallet so he wouldn't have to spend anything. The food isn't that expensive, but since he's cheap he'd rather have me starve than to go buy himself some food. I refused to say no, because I can't find a way to pronounce it when someone asks something from me, it always comes out as a "Yes!" no matter what the situation or favor is. Without intention of hearing my response he grabs my lunch pack out my hand and sprints off to his friend Jihyu. What a perfect boyfriend he is, I truly admire him. Not.

The day carries on with a series of jotting down notes and listening to the sound of boredom escape the professors tongue. The subjects are sometimes interesting but his voice just gives it a unwelcoming and live-less vibe forcing it to be dull. Once school was out, Dongwook of course came to kiss me bye and walked Jihyu home instead of me because he said she lived closer to him than I did. I brought myslef to kind of agree with him but once again, I already know he doesn't love me like he did before. My path was way different from other students and you'd rarely find at least 30 students walking in the same direction. Taeyong happened to be one of them and he also lived in my neighborhood but just two streets down from mine. He never bothered to walk with me because one, my boyfriend and two, I nearly look unapproachable. But the script flipped oh so suddenly and he eased his way besides me.
"Myunha, I should be finished copying in an hour or so once I arrive home and I'll just drop it off at your house, is that fine?" I too put one of my earphone to show that I was listening to him. "Oh of course that's fine!" I nod and pulled the earphone to my cold ear again. His presence never left from my side and I was starting to convince myself that he was either walking me home or he was just there walking next to me but ignoring my little glances.
As I arrived home, he sent me a small grin before parting our ways. My mom greeted from the kitchen as she was already cooking dinner. I couldn't wait to eat dinner, I was always eager not only because it was good but because it was the only meal I had if Dongwook didn't take my lunch. I threw my bag besides my bedroom door, forcing myself to lose balance creating a loud thud onto my bed that hasn't been made since this morning. I'd remember the days where Dongwook would walk me home and even come inside, being my human coffee, he made sure I wasn't tired at all until he left. My mom adored how he treated me and my father saw potential in him but that all faded on my part. My parents doesn't know a single thing, my mom would make me break up with him as soon as I told her and lord knows what my dad will do.
Reminiscing all the past when I was happily in love made me want to rant even more. The ceiling was like my projector screen as I recapped my memories staring into it. I pulled myself up leaning onto my right arm that was pressed against the mattress pretty firmly preparing for another page or two of ranting. With me being the lazy girl I am, I didn't get off the bed but instead, I reached my short leg which seemed to grow as I reached over to my book bags strap and pulled it towards my bed, then straddled it into my lap. I rummaged through the loads of notebooks and folders in my backpack only to forget that I have it to Taeyong. I would write in another book by why start in something else when you've already made like a whole book in the other? "Aish why does it have to be the day where I desperately need my notebook!" I whined gliding my bag against the beds railing until it dropped and tilted a little. He said he'll be done in an hour, has it even been an hour? Wait, I hope he hasn't read anything. I'm pretty sure I left it on the page on the notes if I'm not mistaken. I guess I'll just have to find out when he returns it.
Hi guys! I'll be writing a full story with maybe about the most 15 chapters so stay tuned I'll be most likely updating twice a week depending on how busy I am but if not then once a week. This story will be based on both of their sides of the story on where it leaves off at, so the next chapter you'll read taeyongs perspective of when he arrived home. (P.S. the boy above is Myunha's boyfriend, Dongwook) Hope you all enjoyed the first chapter thank you!! ~Patrice

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