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As usual I'd normally sprint home to finish my homework so I can write lyrics to songs that aren't probably never going to be released nor heard by anyone but myself. Today the roles switched up on me as I noticed Myunha walking a few steps ahead of me. Judging from her side profile, she looked like she wanted to be left alone. She can't be that antisocial as people claim her to be right? I've been her seatmate for a month since school started she hasn't even showed just a glint of her hating the humans race. Well not her boyfriends and me at least.

I didn't want to come off as nosy and just simply appeared besides her coming up with an excuse to walk next to her. "Myunha, I should be finished copying in an hour or so once I arrive home and I'll just drop it off at your house, is that fine?" My voice stammered. Luckily she couldn't tell due to her earplugs blocking any mumbled words that fell off my tongue. She replied and rushed to put her other earphone in turning her music down making sure that I was aware that I know that she knows that I still exist right now. From my peripheral vision, I continuously caught Myunha glancing at me leaving me to do nothing but ignore it. As time was dust in the windy state of Chicago, time flew or we probably walked fast enough to arrive at her home quicker than I thought. I grinned at her tightening the grip on her notebook. No one would be at my house after school because my parents would have work to support me and keep a roof over my head. The only thought I had was to get straight into the notes. Her notebook was heavy which raised my curiosity of what she wrote when we literally just started school and her notebook feels like a bible.

"Ugh why did I have to close her book!" I groaned flipping through the pages. I skimmed through the pages checking to see if it was the notes I needed and happened to find something rather more interesting. The top right corner of the page was labeled "RP", what could that possibly mean? I didn't want to be all in her business, so I just read the first two sentences. That turned into reading the whole entire five pages. "Ah it's her ranting page, that's what the rp was for!" I nodded observing her very detailed descriptions of her boyfriend. Somehow this was more important reading this than to actually copy notes. Whilst I read the pages diligently, I started to realize that she wasn't really happy like her face appeared to be. "Why won't she break up with him? Don't all girls break up with their boyfriends as soon as they catch them with another girl?" She really must be heartbroken. If I could help, I really would that's if she'd let me help her.

After reading her rants, I decided to actually look for the notes and copy them so I won't seem suspicious. She's probably having an panic attack at the moment. Myunha barely took any notes although she was basically awake the whole lecture, wait who am I to judge I was sleep so I shouldn't complain. It shouldn't be that hard to figure out the rest of the notes based on what I have now. Shoving her notebook into my forearm, I rushed to her house. Hearing the slight sounds of her voice tells me that she was still up and as I predicted it, she's panicking. Without noticing, I was slightly sweating myself and afraid to simply just knock onto the wooden door in front of me. Before my fist could have contact with the door it flung open revealing a worried and relieved Myunha. "Here sorry to have you so anticipated, thank you though!" She grabs the notebook and hugs me out of nowhere. What is all this about? "Thank you for bringing it back just on time, I was going to lose my head because I didn't know exactly what house you lived at! Would you want some water? You're kind of sweating pretty hard there." She spoke until it transitioned into little mumbles. A tall figure walked past behind her with long brown hair taking my focus off of Myunha. The figure walked behind her and with my good assumptions, it was her mom. "Hi there, you must be  Myunha's friend! I'm her mother you can call me Mrs. park! Have you eaten yet, you can join us for dinner if you'd like!" She smiled shaking my hand politely. I didn't want to refuse her offer because I haven't eaten yet and I wasn't for sure going to make myself something to eat, so why not? It'll give me a better opportunity to get to know Myunha better as well so I can help her find happiness once again. She seems to have a good relationship with her mom, the problem is that she's afraid to let go of Dongwook which drags her down even more. Why does she have to be so difficult.

I helped prepare the table since it's the only thing I can do besides sit and wait for the food to arrive. Every now and then as I say the chopsticks besides the mat for the plate I would glance up at Myunha. She was actually smiling for some reason I don't know but it was cute. If only she was like that at school, I wouldn't have to worry much about her than I already do. Just the thought that this is all Dongwook's fault boils my blood. "Taeyong are you okay?" Myunha asked distracting me from daydreaming. "Oh yeah, shall we help your mom carry out the food?" She nodded and we grabbed the pots and placed it directly in the middle of the table where we'd sit.

It wasn't as awkward like I expected, it was more welcoming as if this was my home. The food was really good, good enough to get seconds matter of fact. My initial intention was to talk to Myunha but how could one talk while eating delicious food? Glancing out the window the sky tends to fade into a ashy dark color signaling that it was night. After eating, it was only fair to help her clean the dishes. As I cleaned the counter I stopped upon a family picture frame. So she's the only child, she looks a whole lot like her mother than her father. She sincerely looked really cute. She looked as if they had taken this picture recently since she still had most of the same uniform on. Before Myunha could even get a hint to what I was looking at, I rushed to the door.

"Thank you guys so much for having me for dinner!" I thanked bowing to both her and her mother. "No problem, if you'd like more you can call me anytime!" She spoke smiling. She must have read my mind because, she beat me to asking for her number. Why is my heart pounding so hard?

Hi guys! Hope you liked this chapter from Taeyong's point of view! I'll update next week possibly!

Sick and Tired; TaeyongWhere stories live. Discover now