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  "So are you still talking to that guy?" Lexi asked me. I had met Chris three weeks ago now, and we talked all day every day. He was really awesome. "Yeah, I am. He's really cool, if you give him a chance." I said.

  "Give an emo a chance? No thanks." She stuck her tongue out at the thought. My six year old little brother Jacob walked in. "Hey Alice, when are you gonna make food?" he asked me.

  My little brother Jacob moved in with me when our parents died two years ago. "Can't you feed yourself?" Lexi asked him. She didn't like little kids. I smacked her leg as I said, "I can make food now if you want. What sounds good?"

  He smiled at me, and I knew that meant macaroni and cheese. I rolled my eyes at the predictability, and stood. "Lex, you wanna help me out?" She shook her head. "Nah, I gotta get to my nail appointment anyways. See ya."

  She left, and I headed into the kitchen, followed by Jacob. I put water in a pot and set it on the stove, then turned on the flame. "Hey sis?"

  "What's up hun?" I said, turning to face him. "I don't like Lexi. She's mean." I raised one eyebrow. "How is she mean?" "She's never nice to me and she says mean things about people. Like about your friend."

  I shrugged. "That's just her, it doesn't mean she's a mean person, Jacob." I dumped the macaroni in the boiling water. I heard the doorbell ring, and I told Jacob to stay put so I could answer the door.

  "Hey there, we were bored and thought we might stop by." Chris greeted me, Ricky standing at his side. I smiled. "Sure, come on in. I'm just cooking for my little brother."

  I led them into the kitchen, and Jacob looked terrified of them. He ran to me and hid behind my legs, ready to cry. "Please don't hurt me!" he whimpered.

  Ricky laughed as I said, "Jacob, it's okay, they're my friends! They won't hurt you." Chris knelt down to eye level. "Hey little man, what's your name?"

  "Jacob." he said quietly. Chris outstretched one hand to shake Jacob's, and said, "Nice to meet you Jacob, I'm Chris." Jacob looked up at me with uncertainty, and I nudged him. "Go on, be polite."

  I pried my leg off Jacob so I could tend to the macaroni, which was close to done cooking. I stirred the pasta as I said, "Jacob, can you say hi to Ricky?" He stuttered a "Hi." and we all laughed.

  "Alice I think we've terrified him!" Ricky joked. I shook my head. "Jacob sweetie go watch TV okay? I'll bring you the food in a minute " He ran to the living room as I dumped the contents of the pot into the strainer.

  "He's very shy, don't take it personal. He doesn't even like Lexi, and she's been around all his life." I told them. "Lexi is hard to like regardless." Chris noted. I sighed. He wasn't wrong. We argued more than got along lately.

  "Is Lexi the bitch from the mall?" Ricky asked as I dumped milk, butter, and the cheese powder into the pot. "One, watch your language when Jacob is here, I don't want him hearing that. Two, yeah, she is."

  The guys rolled their eyes. "You are nothing like her." Chris said, tucking one stray piece of hair behind my ear, since I was too preoccupied to notice. I was pretty sure he liked me, but maybe he was just really friendly.

  I dumped the pasta in the pot and mixed it with the sauce as I answered, "Yeah, I know." I spooned some of the food into a bowl, grabbed a fork, and led the guys into the living room, where Jacob was watching The Munsters on Netflix.

  I handed him the bowl, and he dug in with gusto. "Do you guys wanna sit outside?" I asked. Ricky collapsed on the couch next to Jacob. "Munsters. Not moving." he said like a child.

  Chris said, "I'm down for whatever." And I rolled my eyes. "You help nothing!" I giggled. "Jacob, are you okay to stay with Ricky for a bit while Chris and I sit outside?"

  "Yeah Jacob, are you okay?" Ricky said, attempting to do an impression of Goofy. Jacob giggled and leaned his head on Ricky's shoulder, not looking away from the screen.

  Chris and I took that as our cue to leave. "I swear, every little kid bonds to him." Chris laughed when we got outside. I nodded. "Must be his playful spirit, they can sense it." I said.

  Chris agreed, and we sat for a moment in silence. "Hey Alice, can I be honest with you?" he asked. "Of course you can!" I answered. "Well, I know we haven't known each other very long, and this probably seems kinda silly, but... I really like you." he told me.

  I smiled. "I know." Chris looked shocked. "Do you, do you really?" I nodded with a laugh. "It wasn't very hard to tell. But um..." I stood closer to him. "I like you too."

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