Living Together

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  Chris and I had been living together for four months now, and next week was his birthday. I wanted to do something really special, but I had no idea what.

  TJ suggested I hire a stripper for him, then had to duck fast to avoid being suckerpunched. Ricky suggested I get him chicken wings, and we all just laughed at him. Jacob, surprisingly, was the one who came up with a really good idea.

  "Hey Mommy, Daddy likes singing, right? You can write him a song and sing it for him!" He suggested. The guys and I looked at each other, and all agreed it was a good idea. "One problem," I remembered, "I can't play an instrument to save my life."

  "Then we can help you with it, just write the lyrics and sing it to us so we can write the music." Ryan told me.

  After a bit more discussion, it was decided. We hung around a bit longer, till Chris walked in, followed by a girl I didn't recognize. They were talking and laughing, and it took only one look to tell she had the hots for Chris.

  The guys all went dead silent when they saw her, even Jacob, and I immediately stood, walked over to Chris, and wrapped my arms around him. "Hey babe." I said, then kissed him intensely. I looked over at the girl, and she looked furious.

  "Hey Alice." He said, not bothering to return the hug or kiss. I frowned, then hugged him tighter. "You are?" I asked, glaring at the girl. "Jessica." she sneered.

  Jessica looked over at the guys. "Boys." she greeted them with a harsh tone. Not a single one of them said a word to her, but Angelo nodded. "Looks like somebody isn't well liked." I smirked. "Ricky, could you take Jacob upstairs?" I asked, not breaking eye contact with Jessica.

  He picked up Jacob and literally ran from the room. "What are you doing here?" TJ asked her angrily. Chris answered before she could. "Ran into her at the store, invited her to come hang out." He wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

  I took a step back and folded my arms. "And she's an old friend?" I asked, giving Jessica a death glare. "She's my exgirlfriend." He explained, looking confused. I finally broke eye contact to look at Chris. "The fuck is that look for?" I snapped.

  "I don't see a reason for the hostility." He said in a tone that matched mine. "How the fuck do you not, man?" Angelo asked. I spun around to face Angelo, and he shrunk back, afraid of my anger. "Thank you, Angelo. Any of you care to share your reasons for the silence?" I asked.

  "You know what, I think Jessica and I are actually gonna head out." Chris said fearfully, attempting to lead her to the door. "Does she have that tight a grip on you?" Jessica asked him, throwing me a dirty look.

  "Just come back to my place, forget her." She smiled at him. "Fuck off Jessica." Balz growled at her. "Yeah, you're not fucking welcome here, and Chris, if you leave with her, I personally will beat your ass." Angelo threatened.

  "Oh shut up, you guys were always mean." Jessica spat. "Excuse you, you're in my house, you will be fucking respectful to the people in it." I said, taking a step toward her. She took a step towards me as she responded, "Or what, bitch?"

  I fought the urge to punch her as I said, "Chris, please get her out of here." He threw his hands up in the air as he said, "I am SO not in this." TJ scoffed at him. "Way to stand up for your girl." TJ walked over to us and menacingly stood between Jessica and I. "Get out." He told her firmly.

  Jessica looked helplessly at Chris. "Chris, they're being mean to me!" She whined. I stepped around TJ so she and I were nose to nose. "He's being helpful. I will fucking show you mean if you don't leave."

  "I think you should go, Jess..." Chris said quietly, then went upstairs. I smiled. "You heard him." Balz laughed, standing. She took a look at all of us, then ran for her life.

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