Falling Into Place

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  After breakfast, Chris helped me clean the kitchen, and then he went home. He promised to be back in maybe an hour or two; he just wanted to shower, fix his makeup, and grab extra clothes. He and I decided while cleaning that we would try living together for a week, and if it worked, he would stay.

  Part of me missed Lexi, but I knew she was a bitch, so it was better to not have her around. Still, it felt weird, having a big decision in my life and not being able to talk to her about it.

  I pushed off the feeling by listening to Sleeping With Sirens, a band Chris had suggested as a bridge from my music to his. I scrolled through the playlist, and settled on a song that reminded me of Chris.


For tonight

If you want to

I could show you

What my dreams are made of

As I'm dreaming of your face

I've been away

For a long time

Such a long time

And I miss you there

I can't imagine being anywhere else

I can't imagine being anywhere else

But here

How the hell

Did you ever pick me


Cuz I could sing you a song

But I don't think words

Can express

Your beauty

It's singing to me

How the hell

Did we end up like this

You bring out

The beast in me

I fell in love

From the moment we kissed

Since then

We've been history

They say that love is forever

Your forever is all that I need

Please stay as long as you need

Can't promise that things

Won't be broken

But I swear that I will never leave

Please stay forever with me

It goes to show

I hope that you know that you are

What my dreams are made of

And I can't fall asleep

I lie in my bed awake

In my bed awake at night

And I'll fall in love

You'll fall in love

It could mean everything

Everything to me

They say thar love is forever

Your forever is all that I need

Please stay as long as you need

Can't promise that things

Won't be broken

But I swear that I will never leave

Please stay forever with me

The way that we are

Is the reason I stay

As long as you're here with me

I know I'll be okay

The way that we are

Is the reason I stay

As long as you're here with me

I know I'll be okay

They say that love is forever

Your forever is all that I need

Please stay as long as you need

Can't promise that things

Won't be broken

But I swear that I will never leave

Please stay forever with me

  I listened to a few more songs while Jacob played with his Deadpool and Spiderman figures, till eventually Chris came home. Jacob ran to him like he had the last couple of times and hugged him, then allowed me to hug Chris as well.

  Chris set his bag on the ground next to him to give me a proper hug, then suggested we go out somewhere, since I had refused to go out since he and I went on our date.

  "Can we get ice cream?!" Jacob asked us excitedly. Chris laughed and said, "Ask your sis- I mean, your mom!" I told him we could, and Chris rocked on his feet like a child wanting to ask a question.

  "Yeeeeees?" I prompted. "Can we get Starbucks too?" He asked in a baby voice. I rolled my eyes. "Yes, we can get Starbucks too." I accepted, and he picked up Jacob, then ran to the car.

  I grabbed a jacket for Jacob and myself, then followed them out, locking the door behind me. "Uh, Chris, it's just shy of 50° out, he needs a jacket." I said. Jacob stuck his tongue out as Chris tried to argue with me.

  I ignored their protests, and made Jacob wear his jacket, then pulled on my own. Once we were all in Chris's car and buckled in, we headed off to get ice cream and Starbucks.

  On the way to the ice cream place, we passed a festival that I had no idea was going on. "Ooooh, what's that?!" Apparently Jacob noticed too. "Cherry Festival." Chris told us.

  "You would be really bored Jacob, your uncles and I checked it out. No rides, games, anything." "Why do I have a feeling Uncle Ricky and Lieutenant Jim were looking for the games and rides?" I asked. Chris laughed. "Because they were."

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