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  I sat on the couch with Ricky and Jacob, waiting for Chris to get home. He had gone out to meet some fan that had won a contest. Most of his fans didn't like me, since I still didn't listen to much of his music, which the guys and I found absolutely ridiculous.

  I scrolled through my Instagram impatiently. I had something really important to talk to Chris about. That was why Ricky was here, to watch Jacob while Chris and I talked, and should Chris react negatively, Ricky could take Jacob back to his place. I hadn't told him what I was going to say to Chris, though.

  "Will I ever get to know?" Ricky asked me, while Jacob sat on his lap playing with his Deadpool figure. I sighed. "Oh yeah, you will..." I answered. I tried to focus on the TV- we were watching episodes of The Twilight Zone Original Series- but I couldn't stop thinking about what I needed to tell Chris.

  After what seemed like an eternity, Chris finally walked in the door. Ricky knew that was his cue. "Hey Jacob, let's go upstairs and play in your room!" He suggested, trying to sound excited. Jacob squealed and ran up the stairs, followed by Ricky.

  "What was that?" Chris asked, giving me a hug and kiss. "I asked Ricky to watch him..." I said, not wanting to look at him. "We um... We need to talk..." He took a step back. "Please don't say it..." He said, tears beginning to well up in his eyes.

  I was confused. "Say what?" "That you can't deal with me being in the band anymore, so you're leaving me..." I wrapped my arms around him tightly. "Chris Cerulli I will never leave you." I told him.

  He held me tightly. "Thank God... I love you so much Alice... Wait." He held me away from him. "What did you need to tell me then?" I sighed. "You might wanna sit down..." I suggested.

  He folded his arms over his chest. "I'm just fine on my feet." He said firmly. I nearly started crying as I finally said, "Chris... I'm pregnant." Chris was silent for a moment, then burst out laughing. "That is fuckin great, 'I'm pregnant!' God you had me worried babe!"

  I frowned at him. "You think I'm kidding, don't you?" I asked. "Well yeah, I mean we've used protection every time, so there's no way you would be pregnant." He explained. I shook my head. "The night I let you come over again after we found Jacob, we didn't." I responded.

  He stared at me for a moment, then seemed to remember I was right. "You're pregnant..." He whispered. I nodded, desperately fighting tears. He snapped, pulling a side table onto the ground, breaking the vase that was on it.

  I started crying as I tried to calm him, but he shoved me backwards, and I landed on the couch. He punched the wall, leaving a hole in it, and I could see immediately he had bloodied his hand.

  Ricky came running downstairs, Jacob in his arms, and he ran out the front door with Jacob, like I had told him to earlier. Chris noticed Ricky run out, and glared at me. "Did he fucking know?!" Chris yelled.

  I shook my head fearfully. "You're the only one I've told!" I sobbed. He seemed to finally calm, and collapsed on the couch beside me. After sitting on silence for almost twenty minutes, he asked, "Did I hurt you?"

  I told him he hadn't, even though my head had hit the wall when he shoved me, which had indeed hurt. "I'm so sorry Alice..." He whispered, still not willing to look at me. "I promise I'll fix the table, and the wall..."

  I shook my head. "I'm not that worried about either, right now." I said quietly. He just nodded. We sat in silence for a few more minutes till he finally looked at me. "So I guess there's one question right now." He looked at my belly. "What are we gonna do?"

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