Chapter 5

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I urge you, the reader to listen to the song before reading this chapter. It'll give you a better grip on Damien's personality. Ok now go read.

The arguing over the split went on till they were the only ones left in the restaurant. During which times, several girls came up to Damien leaving a number or asking for a picture, a slutty one at that, with him he seemed all but interested in the girls. His eyes were locked on to Lynn the entire time. On the outside, she was calm and collected, keeping her poker face on. While inside she was anything but. His gaze was intense, filled with longing and power and she couldn't get enough of it. She wanted him in between her sheets, pinning her down. The more she thought about it the worse it got for her.

"Mrs. Lynn, your not gonna get what you want. It's just best if we go with my deal of 80-20." Damien had stopped down off his jacket. He rolled up his sleeves, showing off toned arms. Lynn put one leg over the other smiling slyly at him. "And your not gonna get what you want. Why don't you just give me my 40 percent and we can just be on our marry little ways, happy?" "I can't do that. It seems like I'm losing money when I should be making it." "That seems like a you problem." Lynn brought her nails up to her face inspecting them, smiling at the fact that Damien was getting angry. The more he talked to her, looked at her, the more she sat across him, the more he wanted her.

"Listen princess, I don't like taking orders. That's your job. Now this is my last time telling you, not asking anymore. You will be taking the 20 percent. I should be giving you 5 percent but because I think your worthy of it, you can have the extra 15 percent." Damien said in a deep low voice. His dominant voice. Lynn eyes widened and was almost taken to her submissive space. "Damie-" "And another thing, you will not call me Damien. It will be either sir or master, understand?" A small smirk made its way to his face. Lynn knew where this was going. She had been down this road many times before. He would try to assert his dominance, then just do a ejaculate and evacuate. She rolled her eyes, her fantasies left her head and her poker face was on the outside and inside.

"I will call you what I want if you want this deal. I think we're done here." Lynn stood up gathering her things, turning away from him. He stood up grabbing her upper arm, pulling her back. "Your not running away from me. I don't think you know who I am?" She snatched her arm away from him roughly with a sneer on her face. "Touch me again and I'm suing your entitled ass for harassment." Damien smirked, grabbing her waist pulling her, tightening his grip on her. Lynn heart raced. She was close, too close. She had a urge to take him, biting his neck, marking him like a animal.

"Baby-girl, I invented suing. So do it. I'll just win anyway." His face drifted down Lynn's hair and neck, sniffing in her vanilla scent. "Hmm you smell just like I thought you would." Lynn was scared but she liked this. She wants to give in but she knew this was wrong. So wrong but it felt so right. She pushed him away. "The deals off." She walked away, her body switching with anger. Damien growled walking toward her. "If you think your getting away from me, your mistaken." He yelled after her. She stuck up the middle finger, not looking back to her chaser. His walk turned into more of run. He finally caught up to her grabbing her waist pulling her back to him.

"I wish you wouldn't run away from me princess." His lips made their way to his neck, kissing it softly. Lynn gasped at the burning sensation. It's been so long since she's been touched and she hadn't felt this ever since that shadowy figure was in her house. Damien had made his way down her neck, biting at the nape of her neck. A small moan slipped out of Lynn. Her mind started to turn more lewd. Her middle soaked and her thong. "Da-Damien. Get off of me." "What did I say about calling me my name?" He growled into her neck. "I'm not calling you that." She whispered back. Trying to seem intimidating but failing miserably. Damien laughed pulling her closer, his hands caressing her stomach and lower.

"You want to come home with me, don't you?" Lynn said nothing. Her mind turned to mush and her knees started to buckled. "Hmm~ I'll take that as a yes~" he pulled out his phone. Without looking at it, he pouched in a number, bringing it up to his ear. "We're ready." He than quickly hung up while putting his phone back on his pocket. He smiled at Lynn's reaction when he lightly caressed her body, biting on her neck. Lynn moaned softly turning around to him.

"The hell are you doing?" "Teaching you not to defy me princess." He smiled softly, nibbling at her neck again. The deep red car pulled up. Damien opened the door for Lynn. As she climbed in, Damien bit his lip staring at her bottom, giving it a quick swat. She yelled her juices running down her leg.

"Hope you had enough to eat. Your going to burn it all off." With a sly smile, got in after her and closed the door after him, driving off into the night.

Hey guys! The juicy stuff is about to start! Again I really urge that you listen to the song at the beginning to get a better grasp on Damien's personality. Next chapter will be Lynn's song. Ok as always like, comment, and vote,

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