Chapter 12

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Lynn laid under him, worn and sleep. Damien smiled softly, looking down at her with a faint smile on his face. He looked down at himself, still inside her. He slowly pulled out of her as she whimpered and moaned out a bit. He groaned softly to himself as he did. After pulling himself out of her, he covered her up with the blanket that was strewn over the floor. Walking to the bathroom, he started the shower letting it warm up some. Sticking his hand out to feel the temperature. Once it heated to his liking, he went in, washing himself. After what felt like an hour, he finally came out swatting away the black smoke coming from his head.

"Calm down Damien. It's onlt been a day and she doesn't even know." he said to himself softly. Walking into the room, he walked to the dresser grabbing his underwear putting it on. Damien sighed as he knew he would have to end it with Lynn even though it never really got it's start. Damien knew they would come after her, he knew it would take over. But something kept telling him to stay with her. To just ride out the waves. Shaking his head of his thoughts, Damien finished getting dressed in a simple out fit of jeans and a black shirt. Walking down stairs to the smell of bacon, Damien looked around the corner a bit confused. Turning the corner slowly he saw a faint "heavenly glow" so to say and rolled his eyes in disgust.

"The hell you doing in my house Sebastian?" Damien exclaimed. Sebastian turned around, plate in hand and a glass of orange juice in the other. "What? I can't just come over and see my darling big brother?" He placed the plate and glass in front of him, smiling innocently. "Every time you come visit me its always to your own personal gain." Damien said flatly as he cut a slice of pancake putting it into his mouth. Sebastian looked at him in slight horror. "You eat your pancakes without syrup? No wonder you rule hell. Fucking brute." Sebastian said angrily. Damien shrugged and continued eating his food. "What do you want Sea Bass?" "Don't call me that." Sebastian sighed as he looked at his brother. "I want the girl." "What?" Damien cocked his head at his brother, a glare in his eye. "I want the girl. She, seems cute enough. Plus, damn does she got a rocking body." "You have a wife, Sebastian. Last I checked, wives don't like getting cheated on." Sebastian rolled his eyes. "And, oh by the way, she's mine." He said as he finished taking his plate to the sink. "You honestly think that's gonna stop me?" Sebastian stood by the sink, smirking softly. " No. But if you even think about laying a hand on her. Your fucking dead." Damien said in a low, threatening tone. His face in Sebastian's. A creak of the wood was heard behind them. Lynn, in a teeshirt almost reaching mid tight stood there as she rubbed her eyes, hoping they would adjust quickly. A small yawn came out as she look at them sleepily. Damien looked back at Sebastian, his 'glow' still going. "Turn that shit down." Damien whispers, hoping she was sleep walking.

"Hey princess, you sleep well?" She shook her head yes, whimpering as she walked to Damien, her arms out. Damien smiled softly as he took her in his arms. Sebastian chuckled a bit making Damien shoot a glance at him. "Go back to bed, sweetie. Daddy will be there in a while." Lynn yawned grabbing a apple as she sleepily made her way up stairs, her shirt falling off of her shoulder.

Sebastian smiled, nudging his bothers side. Damien looked at him and growled.

"Now listen here you fuck, don't you dare touch ,look, speak even think about her." Damien said looking at him in the eyes.

"I wouldn't think about it bro....." Sebastian said as he had his hands up as surrender. Damien look at his brother, eyeing him a bit as he back away from him with a glass of water in hand. "Get the hell out my house." Was the last thing before he said as he turned around and walked up stairs. Sebastian looked around the house for a while, picking up some things and examining them. Sighing softly Sebastian walks to the front door. "Aww big brother, I will have her." He said lastly as he walked out the house closing the door behind him.

Hey hey hey yalls. So sorry bout that huge absence. Things at home couldn't get to my tablet to write the way I wanted to. Idk typing on my phone is kinda booty. But anyway, I'm sorry that I had you waiting so long. If you did wait. But I hope this chapter kind helps. What happened in this chapter was basically showing the bro dynamic of Sebastian and Damien. I'm terrible at males pov so sorry. Ok I'll go now. Have fun sinners. Don't forge to vote comment and like.

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