Chapter 13

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Lynn sat up in the bed as she looked around, her eyes half open, half closed. With a soft pout on her face she looked at Damien. Her mind flooded with the thought of him that night. How animalistic he seemed. She smiled softly to her self as she drank some of the water.

"How are you?" Damien said as he looked through a basket of clothes. "You know, pussy wise?" He said nonchalantly. Lynn blushed a bit, taking another sip of her water. "I'm......fine." She said keeping her head down. Looking at Damien pick her clothes, she smiled softly. She closed her eyes as she thought of a soft heavenly glow. She remembered Damien said something to some one. "Damien......was there someone in the house earlier today? " she asked as she rubbed her eyes awake. Damien stiffened a bit but then relaxed as he finished picking out Lynns clothes.

"You must've been dreaming. Here," he handed her a pile of clothes neatly folded. It contained a pair of sweat pants and a tank top with a macthing set of lace bra and panties. "These are your clothes today." Damien said hoping to change the subject. Lynn looked at the clothes then at him. "Where are you getting these?" "When I come home from work." he says pushing the basket into the closet. Lynn blinked a few times then looked at Damien. " one was here this morning?" "No baby girl, now go take your shower." he came up, pushing her puff of hair back, kissing her forehead. She smiled softly amd looked up at him as she gathered her clothes from him standing up.

"You have nothing to worry about princess. As long as I'm here, I'll always protect you." She smiled warmly as all her words washed away. Walking to the shower, she hopped in take a quick but through shower. As she go out, a fluffy black towel wrapped around her chest. Lynn looked around the room. She took in how the bed was actually tilted off the bed frame at a noticeably angle. How the sheets were a tangled mess up on top. She shook her head letting the naughty thoughts leave her head. Putting on the her clothes, she looked at he self in the mirror. One side of her overalls was unbuttons and drooped down by her thigh. She pulled the sleeves on her yellow undershirt and pulls the middle part of the overalls between her legs down some.

After she finished her routine, she made her way down stairs. The smell of bacon and eggs wafted over to her. She smiled and walked down stairs to see a suited Damien plating two plates. A thought went through Lynn's head as she wondered how he could cook so fast but drift out as she sat at the table. Before her was a plate of fluffy eggs, bacon and toast with jam. In a cup to the side, sat some orange juice. "Thank you Damien." "Daddy." Damien said quickly. "Sorry daddy." Lynn said in a small voice as she looked at her food, eating it. "Now baby, as much as I love taking care of you here, I need you back at work. The game is going to release sooner rather than later and I need those drawings." Lynn heart sank as she realized why she was doing this for in the first place. "Oh yea. I'll......I'll those in to you a little later in the week." She said a bit flatly as she poked at her eggs. Damien noticed the change in her tone but decided to ignore it.

"Thank you baby." He came closer to her, giving her a quick kiss on the head. "You know, I could've picked anyone in the office, but I chose you. You should act a bit more greatful." He said nonchalantly as he fixed his wrist watch. Lynn's face twisted into frown as she went over what he said over and over again. "Excuse me?" Lynn asked. A attitude in her voice. "You heard me," Damien looked at the time and walked into the living room getting on his work shoes. "Now, hurry up if you want a ride with me." Lynn laughed to her self softly. "I fucking knew it. Why in all hell would I think you would have any real interest in me. You know what fuck our deal and fuck you." Lynn said in a anger filled fury. Damien looked at her his eye brows raised. "And you say this why?" "Because! You only want me for my fucking art. Go fuck some other artist. I refuse to be used like some toy!" Damien laughed a bit as he looked Lynn's angered filled face. "Listen princess-" " No! I won't listen. Go fuck yourself." Damien started to get increasingly angry. Damien may have made a mistake, by lying of what he really wanted. No matter the point, he hand to stand up. He was the daddy. "Princess, yell at me again and I swear on god, I will fuck you up." Damien said in a low tone, his eyes darker than usal. Lynn was scared but she never backed down from a fight. "......No, fuck you kimosabi." She said in a softer voice. Lynn was just so fiery and ready to kill. She hated he could make  her shut down and make her more obedient. Damien gave her a stern look and Lynn put her head down more. "Get your ass to the car now." "Yes daddy." Lynn said as she gathered her things walking to the car. Damien walked behind her, a small smirk on his face as he locked up his house. Meeting Lynn by the car, he unlocked it and let her in, he went in after her. Staring the car, they drove intense silence all the way there.

Hey broskis..............I'm dearly sorry for the wait. I am a terrible person yes I know. I'll try, not will, try to get more chapters in. Oh and @petite98 thanks for commenting. Lol I was reading them while writing. Again, I'm sorry I take so long to update. No real motivation. Now I have one😊. Ok I'ma go. As always my sugar cubes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2018 ⏰

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