Chapter 8

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"Your what?" Lynn said pretending she didn't know what he meant by that. "My little girl. I'll care for you, give you all the attention your craving. I'll be your Dom daddy." He smiled softly looking at her. "We talked about this last night but I don't think you were listening." Lynn blushed looking away from him down at her hand, remembering the marks on his back. "I..why?" Lynn asked looking at him, confused. She wanted to be his submissive little girl more than anything, but she didn't want it to be like it was with all the other fuck ups.

"Why? Well, one, I want you." He said softly looking at Lynn's body, biting his lip softly. "And don't tell me you don't want all of this to your self?" He gestured to him self. Lynn rolled her eyes looking down again, thinking it over. "What will I get out of this?" She asked in a small voice. She wanted to say yes right away but she also wanted to make sure that he was going to do what a Dom person would. "All the things you want. One you'll be getting more money than that split that you want, you'll get to live with me. I'll care fore you and make sure your ok. All while fucking hi senseless." He stretched out the last sentence making sure that she heard every word.

"Would I have to sign a contract of any?" "What? No I'm not Christian Grey." He said picking up some left over bacon on a plate taking a bite. "I would just need verbal agreement and when ever you think you don't want to be apart of this anymore, we can always 'break up' per say." He made quotation marks around the word break up. She looked at him. It would be fun to be a little to him. He honestly seems like her knows what he's doing. She argued to her self. But that what they all say. But then again he didn't kick you out after last night.

Lynn looked down at her middle and sighed softly. "Ok...I'll  be your sub." She said quietly as she played with the hem of her sweater. "What was that?" Damien asked. He smiled softly at her, coming a bit closer. "I said I'll be your sub." He smiled more. "Great. Now, rules. You will never call me by my name. Only daddy, understand?" She shook her head yes but quickly checked her self. "Yes daddy." Damien smiled at her coming closer, petting her hair soft. She had already knew the basic rules of this. Don't piss off daddy and be his good little girl. She was only good at one of those things.

"Turn to me princess." Lynn turned up looking at him. "Now listen to me and listen well. You will do what I say when I say," he grabbed her chin softly looking into her eyes. She blushed, her eyes growing softer looking a him. "And if you do as I say, I promise I'll give you that love you've been craving. But if you disobey me, you'll come to regret it. Do you understand?" He said in a deep dark tone, looking her in the eyes saying every word slowly and clearly. She shook her head yes, her eyes locked onto him. "Good." He smile and kissed her on top of her head softly. Lynn eyes fluttered shut as he came closer. This is a first time in a while she actually felt loved. It was incredible, she almost came addicted in that one kiss. "I'll be right back, princess. Daddy has to get dressed for work." She smiled, now in her little space, at him waving at him, her hands in her sleeves. Damien chuckled and walked out the kitchen and upstairs out of Lynn's sight. She smiled wider as she stood up jumping up with excitement. She had to tell Katie. Footsteps were heard defending down. Damien came around the corner in his usual suit and tie. Lynn swooned softly at him as Damien fixed his tie a bit.

"How I look baby girl?' He said looking down at himself. He wore a dark grey suit with a red tie and a classic white shirt. "Like the sexiest daddy ever~" Lynn said keeping her hands over her mouth. They talked and interacted like they knew each other for years now. It was perfect for Lynn. Damien came closer, wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her closer. "Good answer." He smiled kissing her cheek then kissing her her jaw line and her collar bone. She bit her lip but moved back a bit. "Your gonna be late for work." She said quickly, already knowing where this would go. Damien sighed and nodded his head in agreement. "Yeah, your right. Ok, I'll be gone until 6 pm. I'll have an assistant come and check on you ok? Do you want thing when I get back from the store?" Lynn thought for a while then spoke. "Can I have a coloring book and a teddy bear please?" Damien looked at her confused but shrugged it off. He excepted her to ask for more. "That's all you want?" "No, I want some juice and chezzits. Oh! And come cookie and cream ice cream." Lynn said her face lighting up. Damien laughed and smiled kissing her forehead again. "Got it baby." Lynn smiled softly and moved her head into his chest. He placed her head on top of hers. They stayed like that for some time before Damien's watch dinged over and over again.

"Time for me to go. Daddy will be back, ok?" Lynn shook her head, walking to the front door with him to lock it. "Bye daddy!" She said as she waved at him. After the car pulled off Lynn locked the door, putting her back to it sliding down.

"I found my daddy y'all!" She squealed with excitement.

Hey! A chapters up! Well if your reading this you already know. So Damien and Lynn finally got together as a daddy little dynamic. Ok well I hope you like this chapter . Always remember to like comment and vote on them
As always love

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