chapter four

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Chloe's POV

I was sitting at a small cafe, working on an essay for Russian Lit, when my favorite petite brunette came running in.

"Chloe!" She screamed. She, in turn, received a bunch of stares and shhs, but she paid them no mind, instead increasing her pace to me.

"Beca, what's wrong?" I asked apprehensively as she approached ‪my booth. She was visibly worried, so I sat her down next to me.

"Do you know where Emily is?" She asked.

"No...why?" I replied, hiding the fact that I knew exactly where she was. But I couldn't tell Beca that, because she'd probably murder me for letting Emily out of ‪my sight.

"Damn it!" She exclaimed. "She's my responsibility; I have to make sure she always gets home on time. What if— what if she got kidnapped? Can she swim? Oh my god, what if she drowned?!" Beca cried. "How the hell am I supposed to explain that to her mom? 'Hey, your 20 something year old daughter drowned and I can't pay for the funeral because I'm a broke struggling music producer but I'd love to send out invitations'? Like is it even swimming season? Why would she go swimming?! Maybe she didn't go swimming— maybe- maybe she was studying like the good student she is, and then her room was infiltrated and she was stolen by the aliens?!"

I looked at her with an amused smile on my face, finding her maternal instincts to be quite cute. They were overprotective, though, as you can see.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" She snapped, dramatically slapping the table for effect.

"Woah, Beca, baby chill," I said, putting ‪my hands on her shoulders. "I'm sure she's fine."

Beca just groaned and buried her face in her hands. "I need to make sure she's safe!"

"She's with Amy! She's gonna be fine," I said. "She definitely was not abducted by aliens."

"AMY?" She squeaked. "That's even worse!"

I laughed at her sudden outburst, finding it quite comical. "Beca, Amy is responsible; she knows what she's doing." After receiving a pointed look from Beca, I backtracked. "Okay maybe not," I said, closing the lid of ‪my laptop and taking her hands into mine. "But Emily is old enough to take care of herself."

"That doesn't mean she will!" Beca argued. "Remember when she locked herself out of the house and tried to get in through the window but ended up falling? She could've died! We do not need another Bella scandal on our hands," she huffed out.

"Point taken!" I said, raising ‪my hands in surrender. She gave a small smile and looked back up at me, her deep blue eyes piercing mine. She was wearing the same outfit she had had on during the first Bella rehearsal that Emily had been to. Whether it was purposeful, I don't know, but I do know that Beca cared for Emily like no ones business.

Beca might seem like a badass, but behind all the dark makeup and piercings, she's the biggest teddy bear I've ever met, and it shines through even more through her interactions with Emily. She must've noticed ‪my gaze, because the next thing I knew, her beautiful blue eyes had narrowed and she had crossed her arms. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You're so worried about her; it's cute, really," I said adoringly.

She groaned, turning away from me. "you're such a bully."

"am not," I responded, turning her around by her shoulder, causing me to be met with a familiar pout that she would take on whenever she was mad but not really mad. "I just think it's cute that you're a total softie," I said with a wink.

Her eyes widened in disgust. "I am not a total softie."

"Aw, that's cute. You're in denial, Beca," I said teasingly.

"What does that even mean?"

I looked at her with a stern look before grabbing her hands again. "The first step to recovery is acceptance."

"Oh my god, I hate you," She replied. "But still, I wanna make sure Emily is safe."

I studied her for a moment before responding. "Okay, how about this: I need to finish ‪my essay, so if you could wait like 15 minutes, we could go back to the house and see if anyone has seen her, okay?"

"Okay," she responded.

I gave her a smile before opening ‪my laptop back up and returning to my previous work. After a few minutes, though, I felt Beca's chin come into contact with ‪my shoulder

A few minutes later, I felt her arm snake around my waist and her bury her face into ‪my neck. "Becs, what are you doing?" I giggled.

"I'm bored, and your neck is comfortable," she said.

"I..okay?" I responded, not sure how else to respond.

It hadn't even been 30 seconds before she spoke again. "Are you done yet?"

I sighed dramatically and turned to her with a small smile playing on ‪my face. "It's been ten minutes; are you really that impatient?"

"Yes," was her response.

I chuckled, knowing that was true. "Just five more minutes, okay?"

"Fine," she said with a pout.

"Yay! I'll be done soon, and then we can go find Emily, k?" I said with a wink.

"Okay, okay," she said. After I didn't immediately do anything, she spoke again. "C'mon Beale, move those talented little fingers of yours. This paper isn't going to write itself."

My jaw dropped at her insinuation, but I decided to play along. Leaning into her, I said, "Well, I'd rather be using ‪my 'talented little fingers' for something else right now," I breathed out.

"Oh, no. Not today, Chloe. You have a paper to finish and I have a child to find."

"That child is probably more mature than you, Beca," I scoffed.

She reeled back, appalled at ‪my response. "Excuse me?"

"Nothing," I said with a smirk. "But also, that 'child' is barely four years younger than you," I added.

"Yes but she's clumsy and I need to make sure she doesn't trip over those long legs of hers."

"you...are so confusing," I said with a laugh.

"Thank you," she perked up.

Returning to ‪my paper, I quickly finished it up, wanting to get out of that cafe and find Emily as quick as possible, giving Beca and I some...time to ourselves.

quick a/n
1st, this story is also on, so i'll put the link below. also, updates will be more frequent on here and once i update here i'll try to put it up on as soon as possible
2nd, this is a first draft so i'm sorry that things were a little choppy and i'm sorry for any mistakes; im a high schooler trying to keep a good gpa ok i don't have time to write sometimes don't bully me🤧🤧🤧

but anyways, i hope you liked this chapter!! link (i'll also post it on my profile):

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