chapter five

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Beca POV

Once we got home, I made a beeline to Amy's room. I knocked loudly on the door, practically banging on it, until I came face to face with a frazzled blonde Australian. "Beca, what are you doing here?"

"I'm looking for Emily. Is she in there with you? Where—" I began to push the door open but was stopped when she let out a strangled "NO!" and shoved the door closed, only poking her head out. "um...okay? why can't I come in? Is she okay? Oh dear god please don't tell me you kidnapped her," I said, putting ‪my hand on ‪my forehead.

"No, I didn't do any of that!" Fat Amy responded. "I'm just a little...busy right now."

I narrowed ‪my eyes, taking in her rushed appearance: the messy hair, swollen lips, and how the only body part I saw was her hea—

"Oh my god," I said, the realization hitting me. "Really, Amy? In our room?"

"Well, I--"

I put ‪my hand up, not wanting to hear an explanation. I wasn't mad; I just wanted to know where Emily was. "I swear to god Amy if you lost Emily—"

"I didn't lose her!" The Australian exclaimed.

"Oh, yeah?" I asked. "Then where is she," I asked harshly, crossing ‪my arms. My eyes narrowed, getting ready to interrogate the shit out of her. If she had somehow lost Emily or Emily had gotten hurt I swear to god I would single handedly kick her ass back to Australia. If Emily had somehow gotten into some sort of trouble, Amy would surely have been the one to initiate it, and I couldn't have that happening. Emily was like ‪my—

"She's in the bathroom..." Amy trailed off, interrupting ‪my thoughts.

a small "oh," was all that came out of ‪my mouth. I heard a faint snorting sound behind me—probably Chloe laughing over my protectiveness. Sighing, I threw ‪my hand back and gave her the finger, earning a choking sound in response. "So...she's here?" I asked.

"Yes, in the downstairs bedroom. I made sure that she would be...out of earshot," She added quietly.

I scrunched up ‪my face in disgust. "Ew, Amy," I strangled out.

"What? I'm just saying..."

"Okay, well, I'm glad she's safe. I'm gonna go check on her and then head over to Bellas practice. I'll see you there?" I asked.

"uh, yeah..." Amy responded.

"Great, see you then," I said with a wave.


Chloe's POV

"But Aubrey," Stacie whined. "I don't want to go alone! I'll be surrounded by boys trying to bone me!"

"Yeah, but you'd like that," Aubrey snorted.

"Okay maybe," Stacie responded. "But that's not the point."

"Then what is the point, Stace?" Aubrey asked.

Aubrey and Stacie were sitting together on a couch in the Bella house, sitting way too close to be platonic. I don't know if anybody else noticed besides Beca and I, but those two were so gay for each other.

I mean come on, it was blatantly obvious. Those two were best friends, but they got on each other's nerves so often the sex had to be great.

I was in the kitchen, trying to put a suitable meal together for the girls. I didn't mind cooking for the girls; it gave me a purpose in the house. It made me useful. See, Emily's job was taking the trash out—youngest gets worst job. Jessica's job was laundry; Ashley's was dishes. Amy...well, Amy didn't have a job. We tried to assign her one, multiple times, but she had refused.

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