Twisting Tides~ Chapter Two

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A/N: This was supposed to be in Keith/Pidge/Hunk's POV because it's switching but I messed it up, so uh, here's another Lance POV and I'll just make the next one longer.
I haven't decided how many POV's I'll switch between, but most likely it will be(in order) Lance, Keith, Hunk, Pidge.
Also, crown me the worst at chapter names.
Tw-ish: very brief description of an ADHD overstimulation

He stands in a room, several voices calling out to him. Different versions of himself, all the pent up emotions spilling out.

The first one walks up. They look just like Lance, but with a more angelic appearance. "Don't worry dear, you're doing your best! You've improved so much!"

A heart clenching laugh is heard. "Seriously? You're just a mistake that no one will love," his voice fills with hurt. He looks just like normal ol' Lance.

"Hey, the ladies love you," another one smirks, this one has a red aura. "Like look at you! You're hot! Maybe not smart, but sure as hell you're a hot chick magnet!"

"I think more than just the ladies," the angelic one smiles.

"Ha, yeah, you're a selfish little prick."

"T-That's not true!"

It laughs. "So you speak up? Hilarious, what you said wasn't even true."

Another one appears, bouncing all over the place. Another one who sits in a corner crying. Another one who is stating facts and statistics to 'help' the situation. Another telling jokes and smiling. Another one screaming for help. One after the other more start coming in. All the emotions. All his masks. All his sides. Every part of him.

Until every good part is gone. The angelic one, the jokester, the flirt, the intelligent one, the jittery one, all of them! And it's just crying, screaming and insulting. His own insecurities flowing in his head with no parts of him to tell him how wrong they are.

   He wanted to scream. His insecurities down define him, he knows this. He knows they're wrong. He knows this. He knows it. Why won't they just shut up? He can't deal with this any longer. It's not fair!

He jolts awake, gasping for air.

"Lance?" Keith whispers. They were all in Hunk's new living room. "You good?" he puts his hand on Lance's knee.

Just the voice of someone else is enough to calm him down, even if it's his 'sworn enemy'. He knows he's not alone and that's all he really needs "Yeah, I just had a—" Lance pauses. "Ummm, I just had a... pesadilla? Uh, ¿cómo se dice? Oh! Nightmare. I just had a nightmare..."

"Wanna talk about it?" Keith asks, his eyes hiding behind his long haired bangs, smiling softly.

"I was in this room, stuck to the floor, then like, the worst and the best parts of me showed up. After arguing. The good left and I was just stuck with the worst parts of me. I don't know. Having everything you hate about yourself — as little of big as they might be — it still sucks," Lance sucks in a breath afterwards, his fingers tightening on the blanket. "They were just screaming at me. A mix of Spanish and English insults, I just, I couldn't handle it."

"What type of things?"

"Just, insecurities. I am a level nine, yet anyone could mistake me for a four or five because of how weak I am. I'm trying. I'm trying to be less annoying — like with my random out bursts — but it's not really working," Lance's left hand somehow made it to his right arm, digging his nails about to break the skin.

Keith notices this grabbing Lance's hands. "Don't do that," he grips tightly on the others hands, he starts to rub his thumb against Lance's bony knuckles. "Don't do that, okay?"

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