Chapter 1

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It's a start for something new. Something new to Veronica's life. Or so she thought. It was the first day of senior year, something many students aren't excited about. Another year of suffering, and soon to be the last.

Veronica passes the school hallway like it was a normal relaxing day, trying to ignore the bullies shoving stereotypical nerds into lockers. "Calm down, you can get through this.", Veronica said to herself, not aware of the challenges ahead of her.

A few hours later.....

Veronica had to go to her History class which she often tries to forget but couldn't because she wanted to go through senior year successfully. Little did she know, the queen bee of Westerburg high school sat in front of her during this hour.

She just thought "Heather Chandler in history class? Well, this year's starting to get better.". She felt kind of suspicious because Heather Chandler typically skips class, something she was expected to do, being the queen bee. So she leaned over to her side to get a better view of what Heather was doing in front of her and noticed she was typing on her phone. "Ah, that makes more sense.", Veronica whispered underneath her breath.

After class.....

Veronica was rushing over to the canteen as Martha reserved her a seat. Not that she needed to anyway, considering no one wants to sit down with them in the first place. "Veronica! You're finally here!" Martha shouted, with clear excitement in her voice, along with a big grin on her face.

They sat down, peacefully eating their sandwiches as Martha tells Veronica how much she loves The Princess Bride. Veronica was aware of how Martha loves it, so she just chose to laugh as her best friend continues on without a care in the world.

Then Veronica noticed something in the corner of her eye. No, someone. She turned her head slowly to the right, seeing Heather Chandler being herself. Crap, she looks so flawless. How I'd wish to get her attention. Veronica thought to herself.

Martha, being observant; saw her best friend staring at Heather, and teased Veronica about it. " Oh my god, don't tell me you're into Heather Chandler. You're too good for her! Martha said in a joking manner. Veronica finally snapped back into reality, and a bright red blush appeared of her face." N-no.... I'm not into girls.... ", she said defensively."Not that I know of.... "

"Am I? "

She then rushed to the bathroom, knowing how much she embarrassed herself in front of her best friend. She heard heels walking towards the bathroom, so she hid in one of the stalls, not wanting to embarrass herself again.

Veronica hears puking from the other stall, followed by someone saying,"Grow up Heather, bulemia is so '87." That voice..... She thought. She wanted to open the door and smile at Heather, but was too nervous to even open it. She was interrupted by Ms. Flemming scolding the Heathers not having a hall pass.

Then an idea came into Veronica's head

She knows how to forge hand writings so she wrote the hall pass containing the following names:

Yearbook Committee

Heather Chandler
Heather Duke
Heather McNamara
Veronica Sawyer

"Actually, Ms. Flemming, we're all out on a hall pass. Yearbook committee. " Veronica told her teacher, as she hands over the forged hall pass."I see you're all listed. Carry on. " Ms. Flemming told the four girls.

Heather Chandler quickly grabbed the paper and asked,"Who are you?","Veronica. Sawyer. ", the short girl nervously exclaimed. She expected a mean remark from Heather Chandler, but then Heather have her a sweet, sincere smile. Something she hasn't seen since middle school.

"Let's make you beautiful!" Heather exclaimed."You're surely sitting with us tomorrow lunch, and probably be one of us." She said excitedly."B-but I'm no Heather.... " Veronica said. Chandler then holds her arm and said,"So what?" as she starts dragging her beside the sink and starts to apply make up. For the first time in forever, Veronica felt beautiful.


I think I'm getting a little bit hasty with them being a thing, so I'll try to slow it down. I'll refer to Heather Chandler as Chandler in the next chapter since it's kind of confusing (for me) which Heather is talking. Oh and, I promise to make the next chapter longer, I'm kind of tired! See you all next time.

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