Chapter 4

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  It was time for lunch and Chandler sat beside Veronica, in front of McNamara and Duke. Chandler stared at her "girlfriend" for a few seconds, until suddenly placing her hand on Veronica's thigh. Veronica spat out the food she was chewing, and screamed "Heather, what the hell?!" Little does she know, it was Chandler's plan all along. When everyone was looking, Chandler kissed Veronica on the cheek, and screamed "This is my girlfriend. And yes you heard that right. You can't stop me!" Everyone surprisingly gave the Heathers a round of applause for what just happened.

"Am I on drugs or did that really happen....?" Duke angrily asked. "That just really happened, so suck it!" Chandler confidently snapped at Duke, along with a dramatic exit dragging Veronica with her.

Chandler pinned Veronica onto the lockers and stared deeply in her eyes. "Heather, why'd you have to go all extra? Telling everyone in such a dramatic manner?" Veronica asked Chandler, locked with her gaze with those beautiful eyes. "Ronnie, I wanted everyone to know you're mine so that no one will ever steal you from me. You know how protective I am when someone touches my shit. I love you, if I lost you, I would've lost my whole world."

Veronica just smiled sweetly without saying a word and grabbed Chandler by her hair and began kissing her. Considering Veronica and Chandler's height difference, it was hard kissing in that way. So what Chandler did was carry Veronica by her waist while still kissing her. They finally stopped, and walked back into the bathroom, holding hands.

"So it's official Ronnie. You're my girlfriend. Bet you wanted that from the very start." Chandler teased Veronica. "Oh shut up. Not that you're wrong though, Chan." Veronica teased back. "Chan? I like that nickname. Let me keep it. Well, only you can say it." Chandler said.

"Okay then. Chan it is. Do you want to maybe go to my house? I know it's still lunchtime but we already skipped half of the school day so why not?" Veronica offered. "Sure. Can I also stay the night? My parents are gone until next week so I thought maybe I could use a little company." Chandler requested. "Yup! How could I refuse to such a beauty like you?" Veronica teased once again.
"You wouldn't." Chandler said. "Exactly" Veronica said as she kissed Chandler on the cheek.

At Veronica's house....

Chandler and Veronica drove to her house and they finally arrived. They were greeted by Veronica's parents in a skeptical manner. "Hello sweetheart. You're home early. And..... Heather Chandler. Welcome." said her mother. "Hi mom. Would it be possible if Heather crashes the night?" Veronica asked her mom. "Sure. Just don't go insane...." her dad responded instead.

When they got inside Veronica's room, she closed and locked the door to make sure no one comes in. Chandler looks at Veronica and said "Why does it look like they're suspecting me of something?" "They know I'm gay. It's like they're scanning every girl I bring over just to see who I'm gay for. And you know who I am gay for ~" Veronica said. "Jesus fucking Christ Ronnie. You're so cute today.


Chandler tackled Veronica onto the bed and started kissing her. Aggressively. Chandler's lipstick smudged all over Veronica's face. Out of breath, Veronica said,"So this is why you locked the door." Chandler didn't pay attention and continued on. She gripped the sheets of the bed, kind of ripping it.

Veronica then slowly unbuttoned Chandler's buttons, while still making out. Chandler didn't feel it, so she was shocked when Veronica quickly pulled her blazer off of her. Veronica then proceeds to unbuttoning Chandler's blouse then revealed her red colored bra. She then stands up and pins Chandler on the bed, and says,"It's my turn, Chan. " she kissed her more aggressively, slightly biting her lip. She travels down towards her neck and sucks on it.

Chandler moans, and got a reaction from Veronica."Oh, you like that huh?" she travels down, and removed Chandler's skirt."I like how wild you are." Chandler smirks. Veronica starts undressing herself in front of Chandler. She sits on Chandler, locking into her gaze. She rides her like a horse and Chandler was biting her lip and grips on the sheets even stronger this time.

*****(End of smut :))

The next morning.....

Chandler wakes up to find Veronica beside her, still full of smudged lipstick. She gently kissed her on the cheek when suddenly a knock on the door was heard."Girls? Girls! Wake up! It's breakfast! Pancakes if you'd like!" Veronica's mom yelled."Shit" Veronica says."We look like hobos. We're even in our undergarments."," Not that anything's wrong with that in my personal opinion~" Chandler responds with a smirk. The two girls fixed themselves and went downstairs. Veronica's parents looked like they were disappointed. What do you think is the problem?

Hey so um
First smut? Yeah okay I have to admit, it's kind of all over the place. But can you blame me? This was my first ever story with this type of thing. Try your best and leave a comment on why her parents were disappointed. The winner will be mentioned next chapter! Cya geeks  

PS. Sorry for not updating for soooo long. I deleted Wattpad because I wanted to make space for my phone but I'm back! I suppose....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2018 ⏰

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