Cupids bow

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It was the hottest day of the semester. Kids were sleeping inside the classrooms on their breaks and teachers were handing out cold water bottles to everyone. Sweat. It smelled like a whole lot of sweat. No one bothered moving, they all just sat down, skin glued to the chairs. The girls were wearing high ponytails to keep away the hair from their sticky necks but most of the guys had their bangs wet against their foreheads. Even the nerds could barely keep up taking notes. The AC got overheated and stopped working, they sent for a guy but he was stuck in traffic. Igarashi licked his dry lips. He could feel the texture of his deserted tongue. PE class, no matter what weather their dear teacher wouldn't let them go. Even if basketball was a fun thing to do and Iga was quite good at it he just didn't want to move around. Nana walked up to him, a red headband bringing back his lushes locks. He had a big smile on his face, it was like the heat didn't affect him at all.

"You're not dying?" Iga looked at the blonde. Nana just grinned and raised his arms to show his sweat marks.

"Give me a hug won't you?", he laughed.

"Eww", Nana ran up to him closer to throw himself at the raven but Iga ran away. They started running around the field until Iga couldn't breathe thru the heat any longer. He stopped. Nana swung his arms around his neck and chuckled. With the heat and Nanas full weight on him, Iga couldn't stand up and fell to the ground instead. Nana was on top of him, face centimeters away. Iga could feel his heart jumping with excitement. Those green eyes and that soft beautiful tan. Iga never asked for a good looking friend. Nana grinned like it was nothing and helped Igarashi up on his feet. Even holding his sweaty hand felt like a blessing. Igarashi had tried, he had tried so hard to not feel this way but it didn't work. He had to wait his feelings out, they would disappear eventually. Nana grabbed the end of his shirt to pull it off. "What are you doing?", Iga couldn't help his voice from displaying his panic, it was like he had forgotten where they were.

"It's hot, dude. I gotta take it off. Sorry for stealing the ladies", Nana jokingly winked. That wasn't exactly what Iga was worried about. Sure Nana would steal some hearts and looks from the girls but if he wasn't careful he would steal something else... well he had already stolen it. Nana pulled off his shirt to show his glistening skin, he tossed the shirt away. Igarashi swallowed. He knew it wasn't some kind of private striptease but Nana was surely playing with the string to his heart. Iga tried to look away but he couldn't. The bare chest, the abdominal muscles covered in sweat and that cocky smile of his. A pair of girls walked up to Nana, complimenting him on his basketball skills. Stupid girls, they didn't even know him the way Igarashi did. How dared they talk to him. Nana was his! Why did they even bother looking at him. One of them laughed and gently touched Nanas forearm. Igarashi walked up to them.

"Is he bothering you?" Igarashi gave them a fake smile and yanked Nana away from them, holding his arm around Nanas shoulder. The girls blushed.

"Oh no- no it's fine", one of them stuttered and they walked away.

"Why did you do that for?" Nana grumpily exclaimed. Igarashi just laughed and joked it off. Of course, the truth was that Nana wasn't his, he wasn't his at all.

A pink girl appeared in the darkness. Pink hair, light pink skin, and a pastel pink sweetheart dress. She giggled.

"Who are you? Where am I?", Iga looked around. He was left alone in the darkness with this stranger.

"Why do I always get that line?" she sighed. "I'm Cupid, you called for me", pink irises. She was

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