Prologue- The Requiem & The Radiance

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They say love makes you do crazy things. I should know. I did one of those crazy things. Fucked up my whole life and now I'm here, telling you about it. He would want me to. He never gave up on me after he should've. He hated me for what I did but, after all that he still loved me. I took that for granted I guess...

I met him at a party back in nineteen ninety nine. Brad, one of my childhood friends, threw it in celebration of his twenty second birthday. I was hanging out with him and my other friends - Joe, Dave, and Rob - when this guy, who had tattooed flames on his arms, spikey blonde hair and a lip ring in the middle of his bottom lip, came up to us. I had never seen him before, but Brad knew him very well. Said he was a nice guy.

The spikey blonde wanted to know where the kitchen was, that way he could get a drink. I volunteered to show him, since I wanted one too.

Once we got there, we started having a conversation. It started off with us just talking about how quiet it was and how Brad didn't invite many people. "When I got here, I expected to see a bunch of people." The guy admitted.

"Yeah, I thought the same too. Knowing Brad and all it was a big shock seeing that there weren't crowds of people inside and out." I joked.

He smiled at the comment and asked, "How long have you known him?"

"Brad? Oh, I've known him since we were kids."

"Wow, I'm surprised I've never met you up until now. I've only known him since the last few years of high school though, so that might be why." It was quiet after that, and I just realized that we hadn't gotten our drinks yet. The main reason why we were here.

I walked over to the fridge and pulled out two bottles of beer. "This okay with you?" I asked him while handing him the drink.

He laughed and said, "God, I forgot that's why we came in here. Yes, this is fine." He took the bottle from my hand and we opened our bottles up. I didn't drink from mine right away, but the blonde started drinking his as soon as it was opened.

"Damn, you must be really thirsty." I joked.

He pulled the bottle away from his mouth too quickly and started choking. Some of the drink flowed down his chin and spilt onto this thin white t-shirt. "Woah, you okay?" I asked him afterwards while putting my bottle down and walking over to him.

"Ye-yeah... I guess." He coughed a few times. He shook his head and muttered something under his breath. I couldn't hear it but I could've sworn he said, "God, I just met him. I'm fucking stupid." I didn't say anything. I only put my hand on his shoulder. He tensed up a bit and his breathing stopped.

"Hey, relax." I told him. It took him a few seconds until I could feel his shoulders lower and see his breathing calm down.

He smiled slightly and said, "I'm sorry. I... I'm just not really good around people."

I smiled back. "Hey it's okay. Just relax and it'll be fine." I assured him. "I'll get you another beer. Is that good with you?" The blonde just nodded his head and sat down at the table. I joined him after getting his beer and we sat down and talked again.

Soon we were drunk and he was opening up more. A little too much...

"You're so funny." He said while putting his head on my shoulder. His face flushed and eyes dulled from the alcohol. "And nice." He added in.

"Yeeahhh, you're too. Not tamention fuckin' sexxxy." I slurred, not fully understanding what was going on. I didn't even understand what I was saying. But they were words and that was good enough for me at the time.

"Y-yoou meean... it?"

"Sure." I replied.

"Damn't, I jus realized tha I... Tha I don even know your name."

"I-it'ss Mike."

"An mine name's Chester." He grabbed me by the face and we started to kiss each other sloppily.

Next thing I remember, we were having sex in the bathroom so we wouldn't get caught by any one else. It was both our first time and from what I remember it was very good. That was eleven years ago and at the start of the new century, we decided to give it a chance and be together. I only wish I still had him.

But I decided to become someone I'm not. I guess you could call it Death, the destroyer of worlds. You could call me insane. Heartless even. He took the punishment for my mistake, and now I'm stuck in a world without him. A world of chaos and flames, and I'm burning inside the fires of a thousand suns because of it.

"God save us everyone. Will we burn inside the fires of a thousand suns?"

A Thousand Sunsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن