Epilogue- Blackbirds

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Four years. It's been four years since everything happened, and no one even remembers it. I had fucked up everything and whenever I tell people, they think I'm crazy. My friends know it happened. Billie and his friends know too, but everyone else doesn't. They didn't even know Chester existed . If anyone finds this, they'll think I just had a bad dream and wrote it all down, but I didn't.

Chester still hasn't shown up yet. I've been waiting patiently. There have been days where I wanted to die. Where I just wanted to drop to the floor and be nothing more than a dead person, but I've stayed strong. I have to for Chester.

When he'll be back, I still don't know, but when he gets here, it'll be worth the wait. I wonder if he still looks the same, or if he's aged any. Will he come back still thirty four? Or is he gonna be thirty eight, the age he would be today? It's a mystery for me. A mystery that I can't wait to solve. But for now, I wait. Today's his birthday, so I'm celebrate it. Don't know how I'm gonna do that, but I'll do something. Might do what I did last year...

I closed my journal and put it back in the drawer with the others. I wrote everyday now. I put my thoughts and feeling into some journals. Others were filled with song lyrics that I would turn into actual songs one day.

I walked downstairs to the kitchen. Billie had fixed everything like he said he would. Just a little snap and everything was back to the way it was before. Minus Chester.

I looked at the pictures on the wall. There was a specific one that I would look at everyday. The first picture we took together. Chester had his hands on my chest and his head rested on my shoulder and my arm was around his shoulders while my free hand was holding up my phone at the time. We both had big grins on our faces and everything seemed to be great, and it was.

I had taken the picture on a small flip phone and Chester got it printed out as a birthday present a few years later before I got rid of the phone for something more up to date.

"I thought you would like it." Chester had told me with a huge smile on his face once I had the picture frame in my hand.

"Like isn't the right word. I love it!" I pulled Chester into a hug afterwards and we spent the rest of the day in our bedroom just hanging out.

I sighed and walked on, going into the kitchen. I had already bought a birthday cake earlier. It was four in the afternoon and I hadn't had dinner yet, but I didn't give a fuck.

I opened up the small white frosted cake with blue and red flames around the edge. On top of the cake were the words, "Happy Birthday, Chazy-Chaz. We miss you." I placed blue and red candles on the top. Five candles, each represented days he had been alive after his birthday in two thousand ten. I lit the candles and softly sung, "Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear Chester. Happy birthday to you."

I stopped, fearing that if I continued, I would spend another birthday crying while stuffing my feelings with cake. That happened the other three times. I wanted this year to be different.

I sighed, and put the lighter down. "Make a wish, Chester." I whispered, pretending he was here with me even though he wasn't.

I was about to blow out the candles, when a big flash of light appeared at the entrance of the kitchen. I looked over at it just in time to see someone walk out. My eyes widened when I saw them. They were completely dressed in white, wore white gauges, white rimmed glasses and a white bracelet on the left arm. And on the arms, the pale, silky smooth looking arms, were red and blue flames.

"You're back." I smiled.

"You came back..."

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