Chapter Five- Robot Boy

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"Thanks for letting me stay here. I've been running all morning." Chester said as he walked into a friend's house. They met a while back at a concert. Chester helped the guy find his wife there. It was an interesting wedding.

The young man pushed some of his red hair behind his ear and said, "It's fine. My brother and I have to head out anyway. Music video shoot today." The man smiled as he checked his outfit in the mirror. "Is the mask a bit too much or should I go with the cat head?" He asked while pushing the sleeves to his blue Dead Pegasus jacket up and removing the yellow mask from his head.

"I'm pretty sure your fans will love it no matter how crazy it is, Gerard. Not like you didn't use to cover yourself with fake blood in the past."

"Good point."

His brother walked out of the kitchen and into the living room where the two were and said, "Come on, Gee. Pick a damn outfit already so we can go. We'll be late if you don't hurry up."

"Shut up, Mikey." the redhead said to his brother. "I'm talking to our guest." He nodded towards Chester.

"Your guest. I don't live here." Mikey somewhat snapped back. "Oh, wait. Chester?" He asked while looking over at the older man. "Hey, I haven't seen you since Gerard and Lindsey's wedding." He smiled.

"Yep, two thousand seven. That was what... three years ago?"

"Wow, really? It's been that long? Feels like it was yesterday." Gerard cut in, putting the cat head over his face.

"Nope, definitely not yesterday." Chester said letting out a big sigh. "Yesterday was some day though."

Chester noticed that Mikey was kind of looking around the room with a strange expression on his face, like he was lost in some deep thought or looking for something. "Where's Mike?" He finally asked.

Chester's breathing came to a halt. He wasn't expecting that question and he hadn't thought up an excuse to why he wasn't here with him.

"Yeah, I noticed he wasn't here too." Gerard said. Chester couldn't see his face, but he knew it had to have a worry expression. "You and him are doing good right?"

"Oh, y-yeah, yeah. W-we're doing ama-amazing." Chester stuttered out. "We just.. Needed a break from each other. We spend almost every day together and... um... sometimes you just need space, ya know..." Chester explained, hoping it sounded convincing.

"Haven't heard that in forever." Mikey stated.

"Heard what?" Chester asked confused, but also scared that they might've heard that excuse and knew he was lying to them at the moment.

"'Ya know.'" Mike said.

Gerard took the cat head off. His hair covering his face now. "Billie?" He turned his head to his brother with a smile on his face.

"Billie." He nodded his head.

Chester knew who they were talking about. He hadn't talked to those three guys in a very long time, especially Billie. Mikey's phone started ringing after a few seconds of silence. "Pete! Hey, how ya doing? It's been forever." He said once he answered the phone then walked back into the kitchen.

Gerard turned to Chester and said, "It hasn't been forever. They saw each other a few hours ago."

Chester smiled from this. Hearing that brought back memories of him and Mike. He chuckled a bit then said, "Mike and I are the same way whenever we've been apart for a while." He let out a sigh. Damn, how much he wished he never found out about Mike and his... murder sprees...

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