Chapter Four- When They Come For Me

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Mike and the others had arrived at a small motel. It was late at night, but the light in the main room was still on with the door unlocked. "Okay." Mike said while turning to the others. "I'm gonna go in there and see if Pete's there. You guys wait out here. It should only take a few minutes."

"You better be right. It's almost morning, Mike and we need to sleep." Brad said back while lighting a cigarette. Mike glared at him then walked inside.

"Yo, Wentz? You here?" He looked over at the desk table to see that Patrick was sitting there, reading a book. "Pat, is Pete here?"

Patrick looked up from his book and said, "No. Sorry, Mike. He won't be back for another few hours."

"Text him and tell him not to come back. We're bombing the whole town."

"Really? But I have someone sleeping here."

Mike shook his head in annoyance and said, "Who the hell would come to this damn town in the middle of the night?"

"Well, there's you and your..." Patrick stopped mid-sentence after seeing that Mike was being serious and looked like he was about to explode. "Oh... Um, there was this guy who came here and he's sleeping right now I assume. They're in room J-20-17."

Mike's face dropped and went pale. "Didn't I tell you that room was off limits unless my boyfriend came in for a room?"

"Very good, you found out who the person is." Patrick applaud him in a sarcastic way.

"Chazy's here?" Mike's face brightened up. "Right now?"

"Yeah, you can go-" Mike ran off before Patrick could finish his sentence. He half-asian had to see this for himself. Chester? Here?! This was too good to be true! No way was his boyfriend sleeping in the little room he had made especially for him. He thought that thing would never get used.

He got to the room and ran right in there. Chester had forgotten to lock it.

Right as Mike entered through the door, he saw Chester lying down on the couch, sleeping peacefully. The young man held his breath, scared that his breathing would wake him. He shut the door behind him quietly, locked it with the key that was on a table nearby and slowly moved towards the couch where Chester was.

When he reached it, he got down onto his knees and watched the older man in front of him sleep. His face was so relaxed with a small smile playing on his lips. His stomach rose and fell in a steady rhythm. He looked as if he were completely happy with life, even though he wasn't. Mike knew that for a fact, since what happened yesterday had to have upset him. It almost made Mike cry thinking about how he caused him to run away late yesterday afternoon.

Chester moved slightly in his sleep, causing Mike to snap out of his thoughts and move back a bit. "Mike." Chester whimpered quietly. He must've been having a nightmare. Was it about him? Maybe... Either that or it was about something else and Chester was calling out to him for help... Or it was the other thing...

He moved back over to Chester, watching as his breathing started to pick up and he squirmed. "Mike. Mike! Please, don't..." Mike noticed that tears started to form in the corners of Chester's eyes. That's when he started to do something.

"Chaz. Chaz, wake up." Mike said while gently shaking him. "Chazy!" he said louder while shaking him harder. Chester's eye shot open quickly and he looked around the room. As soon as his eyes met Mike's, the tears started to fall.

"Oh, my God. Mike." He cried out while pulling him into a tight hug. "I-I th-thought you w-were de..."

"Shh, I'm okay, Chester." Mike rubbed his back while gently kissing the top of his head. "What happened?"

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