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Sometimes I just wanna curl up and die,
Sometimes I can't even feel the tears slipping from my eyes,
I'm drowning in this pool of lies,
Pushing me further away from your side,
Somethings never change;

You keep pushing me away,
Leaving me with nothing to say,
Maybe we will be together another day,
Can't get over the pain,
Don't even know where we range;

We gotta be free,
Please, I'm begging you, just let me be me,
Are you too stuck up your own ass that you can't see,
That I'm choking on my own misery,
You don't even care;

I'm crying,
You're lying,
I wish I could be flying,
But everyone is dying,
You've taught me that life is never fair;

I'm like this because of you,
You don't want to tell me but I know that you don't love me too,
There's really nothing that we can do,
It's just how things are;

I've done lost my mind,
Made me realize that I have already ran out of time,
Come on, wait in line,
Join me, we've already lost our minds,
And you've already broken my heart.


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