Keep on Living

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I know with every shattering star,
With every crashed car,
And every broken heart,
And every unsigned sucidal card,
That living can get hard;

It's hard to listen,
When all you do is question,
The purpose of your very existence;

With every broken bone,
Every empty shell you used to call home,
But no matter what you feel, you are never truly alone;

It's okay to feel bad,
Never let them take away your right to feel sad,
But know that you have to cherish the moments that you had;

You have to learn to let people in,
You have to realize that you can't always win,
Not every experience will be a ten out of ten;

But if you learn to care,
To share,
To look around and stare,
You will know that you don't have to experience life through a foggy glare;

So thank about this,
Through every first kiss,
Every painful hiss,
That is my only wish;

No matter what happens you have to promise me,
You have to learn to believe,
To want to achieve,
Your every undying dream;

So I beg of you,
Even when you are feeling blue,
When you think that there is nothing left to do,
And giving up seems better than finding the will to keep pushing through;

So no matter what life throws at you and you feel like dying,
That there is no way to keep on thriving,
For life can be so conniving,
But you have to keep on surviving;

Keep on living!

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