Mission Impossible

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Some people enter your life to step on your heart while others find their places in there - Hughe


I bundled my hair into a high ponytail and swiftly tied the laces of my running shoes.

I banged on Joe and Jordan's room noisily as I knew Mum was already awake. I heard grunts from behind the door before it swung open greeting me with a half asleep - shirtless Jordan. I frowned and whacked his head causing him to stumble backwards and glare at me, now fully-awake.

"I'm getting late. C'mon, nous devons y aller."I whined. (We need to go)

He sighed, "Begin the run, I'll catch up."

A few minutes later, Jordan, Joe and I were halfway through our daily jog when Joe suggested a race. All of us were energized and high spirited now - ignoring Jordan's grunts as he attempted to catch up to us.

I won the race and did a victory dance as Joe muttered incoherently under his breath. The two of us smirked, watching Jordan heaving heavily as he ran towards us.

"Looks like someone hasn't been practicing." I said grinning as he pushed past me and entered the house, slumping into a chair and gulping down water gratefully.

Mum chuckled as she handed Jordan a plate of homemade waffles drizzled with maple syrup.

I jogged up the stairs and had a refreshing shower before pulling on a casual white long-sleeved crop top and track pants. I left my hair down as it was still wet and walked down the stairs where my heavenly breakfast was waiting.

As I ate, more like devoured my breakfast, I managed to convince Jordan to drop Joe and I off to school. He groaned but agreed, reluctantly.

"He's searching, Steff." Jordan said as we dropped Joe off. I stiffened as I realized who he was talking about. "It won't take long for him to find us."

"Pas maintenant." I said through clenched teeth and he sighed but nodded. The rest of the drive was silent with Faded playing in the background. Yah, my brother had a crazy obsession with Selena Gomez. (Not now)


I weaved my way through the bodies of students towards my best friends, Charlotte and Andrew. Both of them were bickering as usual about some trivial thing. Charlotte noticed me walking towards them and waved, a smile brightening up her features.

I was determined on avoiding Hughe at all costs and I thought it would be easier as we didn't even have any classes together but boy, was I in for an unpleasant surprise.

"Hey Steff, how did the surprise for your brother work?" Char asked the moment Andrew released me from his bear-hug.

Andrew loved to give me his bear-hugs because he says and I quote "Steff is the best hugger I have ever hugged." Like seriously, okay, I am a great hugger and an extremely cuddly person but did he really have to hint on how many people he has hugged and done whatnot?

After pinching Andrew's arm for hugging me, even though he knew I was not overly fond of hugs especially when they block your respiratory system, I answered Char with an enthusiastic nod and showed her the pic I had posted in Instagram. Both Andrew and Char burst out laughing at Jordan's priceless expression before Andrew glanced behind me and frowned.

"Why is Hughe Mathews walking towards us with that naughty smile on his face?" Andrew asked and I swirled around, unable to stop myself.

Sure enough there he was, Hughe Matthews, strolling towards us, with girls gazing at him with dreamy looks on their faces. I mean, get a life, guys! I thought, rolling my eyes at them.

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