Everything is changing

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Oliver's p.o.v

i was on my way to help the team when i heard them celebrating the "war is over".i think kaz said.they did it.they avenged mighty med.i decide to go congratulated them. then i poke my head out and see skylar and chase kissing.my heart broken that moment.

Kaz's p.o.v

i walked into the penthouse with bree,skylar and chase. skylar and chase were holding hand.there so cute together.i feel bad for oliver i should probably go check on him."hey guys am going to go check on oliver".i said."k".bree said.

when i got to our room i didn't see oliver. to think about it all of his stuff was gone.he couldn't have,no he wouldn't. all i saw on his bed was a note. no no no and no!"guys get in here".i called out to the team.they came to our room."what's up".chase said."look".i said pointing to the note. "oliver he's gone".i panicked

Dear elite force,

i am happy that that you guys have took down rodissius and his family.you did it.i know you all probably hate me for not helping and i am sorry.also i must inform you that am leaving the elite force.my job is done.we only came together to avenge mighty med and you did.nothing is left for me there anymore. skylar am sorry i have been so clingy of you over the years.it's just i have always loved you.but your happy with chase.and i accept that.i just can't be with around anymore.chase am sorry i used your toothbrush to clean the  toilet. bree am sorry i wanted to hurt your brother and burned your new leather jacket.last but definitely not least, kaz,we had some good times buddy,but i must go.i hope you never forget me.take care of skylar.i hope you understand.i will miss you all.


"he just left us".bree said in schock

"this can't be right".skylar mummered holding her temple

"we don't hate him".chase said. referring to the note.

how could oliver do this to me.he is my best friend. there's only one person to blame,i looked at chase."this is all your fault".i yelled at chase."kaz i know your-".he was about to finish until i stopped him."no you just couldn't leave skylar alone could you".i continued to yell."kaz!,that's enough".skylar yelled at me.of course she would take chase's side.

"how could you be taking his side he drove away oliver our best friend,the boy who risked his life for you everyday.he loved you but you just pushed him away.this would have never happened if you weren't so stupid".i screamed.

right then and there i regretted what i said.tears started falling out of skylar's eyes."it's not my fault".she whispered as she tried to wipe her eyes."am sorry".i apologized."it's okay your just a little of edge".she said.am way off edge."maybe it was the best".bree added.i have to let go."your right".i said.i gave skylar a hug and she gave me a hug back."i'll go call davenport and tell him the news about Rodissius and his family".chase said as he left the room.

Mr.davenports  p.o.v

we did it.yes yes yes yes yes!.we completed our mission.the reason the elite force came to be.who would have thought after i put the elite force together that chase and skylar would fall in love,oliver will quite the team,bree would get superpowers and,kaz...well is still kaz. i rushed right over to the penthouse when i heard.

"congratulation everyone".i congratulated the team."thanks you've been sooo much help".kaz said.but i think he was being sarcastic."i think we should celebrate,you know what am going to invite Adam,Leo,Tasha and Naomi,you know if Naomi even wants to come. raising a 12 year old is hard work".i announced."yes i can't wait to see them".bree exclaimed. this is going to awesome!just like me.

chase's p.o.v

am sitting on the couch with skylar next to me.where watching The Duff.she's so cute when she laughs."we better get to sleep so we can wake up early to help set up".she said."sure,goodnight".i said.when i got upstairs i saw kaz sitting on Oliver's bed looking through pictures,he looked kinda sad."you okay buddy".i asked."yeah i just miss him".kaz said as he forced a smile on. "i know".i agreed.

Skylar's p.o.v

the next morning we woke up early to help set up. bree is cleaning with her super speed."done".she exclaimed. she started 15 second ago what took her so long. kaz is just eating.ugh that is so kaz. chase is helping me put out snacks.he's so cute."are you alright".chase smiled at me.i didn't realize i was staring.why am i always doing that."yeah".i sighed dreamy. chase wink at me then gave me a kiss on the cheek.i felt myself blush like crazy.i didn't know he was such a flirt.i love it."hey guys Davenport should be here any minute with Tasha and Naomi".bree exclaimed."why are you so excited".kaz asked bree."i haven't seen Naomi in years,Davenport said it was to dangerous,with Rodissiu and his family running around".bree explained."how old is she now".i asked putting cheese puff's on the table."about 12".bree said."has it been that long".chase asked."i know right".bree said.

there was a knock on the door and we all turned around."eeeekk".bree squeal.then she opened the door.

Bree's p.o.v

"hey bree".my brother Adam said as i hugged him."Adam". i exclaimed."i missed you guys so much". i said as i went to go hug Leo."breezy".Leo said."am so glad your here".i said."yeah that's great, is Naomi here yet".Leo exclaimed."no not yet".i said as i escorted them in."hey chasey".Adam said as he picked chase up and hugged him tightly."can't breath".chase said struggling to remove himself from Adam's grip."sorry little bro".Adam said."chase!".Leo said."hey man".chase said as he fist bumped him."this is Kaz and Skylar".i said pointing to kaz and skylar."hi".skylar waved."helllo cutie".Adam flirted with skylar.

this is going to be a long day.

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