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Jess was jump awoken by her phone blasting the majestic voice of aaron tviet singing im alive from next to normal.
She fumbled for her phone ,checking the caller ID. It was Scott.
"Hey weirdo! How are you today"
"thats great. Hey what was up yesterday ?"
"ughhh nothing , I just was really ill . "
"why did you phone me"
" oh I wanted to tell you I wont be in school but dont worry."
"Okay. Be careful get better soon ."
"I will Thanks. Love you jessie"
" love you too scotty-wotty"

Jessica hang up quickly laughing. She chexked the time and panicked seeing there was only half an hour for her to shower, eat ,dress and get to school.
So she pushed herself off of the sofa and flicked the kettle on. Jess turned the shower on, undressed and stood under the running water. She felt the water warm up and reached for the shampoo. As she stood under water again, she gasped because her shin burned. Jess stepped out and looked at her arms: they were bright red and burning. Obviously the water had been to hot and had scorched her so jess put her head in the sink and ran cold water over her hair washing out the shampoo.
Wrapped up in a towel, jess walked to her room to pick out an outfit. She looked out the Window to see the sun shining brightly. This meant jess could wear the cute outfit she had bought last weekend When the boys went out to the forest. She walked yo the wardobe and pulled on the outfit being careful not to hurt her arms and back even more.

 She walked yo the wardobe and pulled on the outfit being careful not to hurt her arms and back even more

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

She grabbed her leather bomber jacket and ran out to her fiat 500 and drove to school .

winchester in beacon hillsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin