Chapter Three

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Nicky scrubbed her body hard in the grim shower in Vee's place. She felt disgusting. She had done some pretty messed up things in her shitty life but this really was an all time low. The water began to get cold but she didn't get out. The water got colder and colder and colder but she stayed. the water felt like acid on her skin. It felt good. She needed to feel something.

Hours later she awoke on the shower floor to a loud banging against the bathroom door. She instantly felt the coldness of the water hitting her pale skin. She shot and turned the shower off. Her whole naked body was covers in goosebumps. She stepped out of the run down shower and covered herself in a dirty, small towel. The banging continued followed by a harsh voice.

"Get out of there now you stupid pig! You've wasted all the hot water." Vee yelled still banging on the door. Nicky shivered. She didn't know if it was because she was freezing or if it was due to having to face Vee. She unbolted the door using her hand that wasn't holding her towel in place. As she opened the door Vee was standing tall. Her face like ice.

"Why were you in there so long?" She asked harshly. It took Nicky a moment to think of a reply.

"I was really tired. I'm so sorry, I won't do it again." She croaked. Vee looked at her for a moment before pushing her against a wall. Vee slapped her hard round the face causing Nicky to groan in pain.

"Your on your last legs child." She whispered devilishly into Nicky's ear. She kneed Nicky the the groin and left, leaving Nicky hunched over in pain.

"Hey Red!" Greeted Lora joyfully as she entered the Russian bakery. Red walked over to her from behind the counter and smiled brightly.

"It's good to see you Lora. The usual?" Lorna nodded enthusiastically. After a few moments the Russian returned holding two white plates topped with a pasty Lorna never really knew what it was, but loved it anyway. Red slid one plate over to Lorna as she sat down on the opposite chair with the other plate in front of her. Lorna began to eat the pastry. Red chuckled as she saw chunks of the dish flying out of her mouth. It always amazed her how such a petite girl could be so greedy.

"So." Began Red "I saw you here with a girl yesterday."

"Nicky." Lora stated simply.

"I've never heard of this Nicky before."

"I only met her a few days ago, but I'm really worried about her. She is clearly addicted to Heroin and it looks as if she is being abused."

"What makes you think that?"

"She had a massive bruise on her face. She wouldn't tell me how she got it."

"Oh honey." Said Red as she reached over to hold Lora's hand in comfort. "Is there anything I can do?"

"I don't know but you have to help." She pleaded desperately.

In no time at all Nicky found herself wandering the streets again. She didn't want to leave Vee's because she couldn't go back onto the streets but staying there was torture.

Her damp hair fell behind her as she walked into the cafe she was in the previous day. She ordered a coffee and sat at a table in the corner.

"Do you have to go Daddy?" Asked a six year old Nicky as she caught the ball he had just thrown her outside in their large back garden.

"I'm sorry honey." Matthew Nichols said apologetically. "But I'll be home in a few hours. Then we can finish that puzzle together." Nicky smiled and nodded her head enthusiastically. He ruffled her hair as he walked past. She trotted behind him. Just before he was about to get into his expensive car he twirled around and picked Nicky up. He kissed her in the check and squeezed her hard.

"I love you my little lion. Never forget that. Now go inside and find your mummy. I'll see you tonight." He kissed her once more and placed her on the ground carefully. She watched as he climbed into his car and drove away. She sighed as she walked back into her house to attempt to find Marka.

It was late evening and Nicky was still awaiting her fathers return. She was sat in front of the coffee table with the half finished puzzle on top.

Nicky looked up as Marka walked in. Her eyes were full of tears and she looked pale.

"Nicole I think you need to sit down." She choked. Nicky had never seen her mother like this before. Nicky obliged and took the seat next to her mother. Marka grabbed hold of Nicky's hand. Her mother never showed her affection like this.

"I've just had a phone call from the hospital. Your father was involved in a crash and died in the ambulance." She sobbed. In that instant Nicky's whole life changed.

"Hello?" Questioned a Russian lady holding a light grey mug of steaming coffee. Nicky snapped back into reality.

"Yeah?" She asked irritably.

"Are you okay?" Red questioned noticing the tears forming around the younger girls eyes.

"Yep." She replied as she took the mug Red was handing her. She quickly wiped the tears that were forming and looked down at the mug. There was an awkward moment of silence. Nicky didn't want look up but she knew the woman was still standing there.

"Do you mind if I sit?" Asked Red hopefully.

"I guess." Replied Nicky unsure. She didn't know why this woman had such an interest in her but she knew better than to trust adults.

Red pulled out the chair and sat down. She observed Nicky who still refused to look at her. Red saddened as she saw the disheveled, unloved look of the girl. Nicky's hair was dry now and it looked more wild than ever. After observing for a few more seconds Red spoke again.

"I'm Galina, but people usually call me Red." Nicky just smiled slightly in response. "You know when someone introduces themselves, you tend to do the same." She suggested. Nicky considered what she was going to say.

"Nicky." She replied simply.

"Nicky." Repeated Red. "Is it shorted from something?"


"Why do you shorten it? Nicole is such a beautiful name." Red stated simply.

"I just do." Another few moments silence past.

"I saw you with Lorna, Alex and Piper yesterday."

"Who?" Questioned Nicky confused.

"She gave you some cream for that nasty looking bruise."


"How did you get it by the way? And the hand print on your other cheek?"

"Just clumsy. I have to go." Nicky said desperately leaving her un-drunk drink on the table and leaving the cafe. Red, still seated at the chair sighed. She wanted to help the girl, but she didn't know how.

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