Chapter Five

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Lorna and Red were sat in a dark alleyway drinking the hot chocolate that Red had made, to try and keep warm. Lorna was talking about a new shop that had opened near her house as Red pretended to listen, nodding occasionally.

Instantly Lorna stopped talking as they heard a scream. They looked at each other in shock.

"Nicky," Whispered Red, knowing where the scream had come from. The two of them instantly stood up, Lorna spilling her drink but not caring. They ran over to the run down house and Red began to bang on the door. With no one answering she began to kick it down. It didn't take long to break, due to it being so fragile. They burst through, trying not to gag at the awful stench. It didn't take them long to find Nicky, whimpering on the floor.

"Oh honey," Red cried as she knelt down next to her. She was surrounded by her own blood, with blood still flowing from her crooked nose. Her neck was red and her face was covered in cuts. The tears falling from her eyes were merging with the blood. Red noticed a large gash on her forehead. Lorna was rushing around trying to find something to stop her nose from bleeding.

Finally finding something Lorna returned to Nicky and began dabbing around her nose.

"Who did this to you?" Red asked, rubbing Nicky's bloody hair.

"It doesn't matter," Muttered Nicky. Red knew she had to find out, but right now she just wanted to get Nicky help.

"I'm going to take you to the hospital," Nicky didn't argue.

"Help me take her to my car Lorna." They both carefully lifted Nicky and helped her out into Red's car.

"Sit in the back Lorna and then I can lay her across you," Lorna did as she what she was told and sat in back seat by the door, allowing Red to lay Nicky across her. Lorna stroked Nicky's head as Red began to drive away towards the hospital. Nicky's eyes were flickering closed and her breaths became shallower.

"No! Stay awake Nicky," Lorna begged. Nicky grunted in response, to weak to say any words.

"Red, she's loosing conscious, please hurry up," Lorna said, tears spilling from her eyes and falling into Nicky's pained face.

"We're nearly there honey. Hold on."


Lorna and Red entered the hospital, carrying a now unconscious Nicky.

"Please! Someone, she needs help," Shouted Red. Two Nurses rushed over and took Nicky from Red and Lorna.

"Please wait here," The taller of the two Nurses gently ordered. Before Red could argue they had rushed away with Nicky in their arms. Red walked over to some plastic chairs and sat down with Lorna behind. Red noticed the tears spilling from her eyes.

"Nicky will be okay. She's in good hands," Red comforted, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"We have to help her Red. We can't let her go back to that place."

"We will honey. I promise."


It was now two hours later and Red and Lorna were still waiting on news about Nicky. Lorna had phoned Alex who had also joined them in waiting.

The taller Nurse who had taken Nicky away approached them.

"Your here with Nicole right?"

"We are. How is she?" Inquired Red.

"She's stable. She's suffered a concussion and a broken nose and wrist. She's still asleep at the minute but you can go in and see her. The police are going to come in later and take a statement."

"A statement?" Panicked Lorna.

"They just need to find out what happened to her," The Nurse began to guide the three of them towards Nicky's room. She pushed the door open and allowed them to enter.

"I'll let you know when the police arrive."

Red sat on a seat to the left of Nicky's bed, gently stroking her hand. She tried to avoid the IV that had been taped in place. Lorna was sat to her right, fiddling with her hair and Alex was sat at the foot of the bed. Nicky was still unconscious, her face beat. Her right wrist was in a white cast. She had a plaster over her forehead and strips over her broken, swollen nose. Both her eyes were black and Red could already tell her right eye was swollen over. Her lip was bust and her neck was covered in violent purple bruises and finger prints. Her face was also covered in cuts and more bruises.

"What's your plan?" Asked Alex softly, directed at both Lorna and Red.

"I don't know but I promise you I'm never going to let her go back to that place. She can live with me. I have a spare bed," as Red finished talking she noticed Nicky's hand began to twitch.

"Nicky honey?" She cooed. Nicky grunted and opened her left eye, her right unable to open.

"I'm so glad your okay," Lorna muttered.


"Please honey, let me take care of you," Red begged. Alex and Lorna had left to go and get
something to eat.

"I don't need your charity," Nicky croaked. It hurt to talk so she spoke as little as she could.

"Please. I really want to help you."

"No. End of."


Nicky had gone back to sleep so Red, Alex and Lorna were sat in the canteen eating.

"I know she doesn't want me to help her but I have to. If I tell the police what happened then they can't let her go back," Planned Red to no one in particular. She felt a motherly draw to the girl. She needed to help her.

A Doctor and two cops approached the three.

"Are you the people who came in with Nicole Nichols?" Asked the male cop.

"Yes," replied Red.

"We're here to take your statements."

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