Chapter Four

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"I have a plan." Declared Red as she sat at a table in her cafe with Lorna, Alex and Piper.

"Go on." Lorna said enthusiastically.

"She came here last night. When she left I followed her home. I suggest we go in there and get her. I have a spare bed that I can offer. We get her clean and help her." Red suggested. Piper sighed. She couldn't be bothered with all this. Why should they help this drug addicted mess? Although they had met briefly a couple of times, Piper felt like she knew Nicky from somewhere, she just didn't know where.

"I have to go." Said Piper suddenly, not wanting to be there anymore.

After she left Alex and Lorna turned back Red.

"So when do we do this?" Asked Alex.

"I'm not sure. We have to wait until she is the only one in the house."

"And how will we know that?" piped Lorna.

"We take turns at watching the house. As far as I know it's just her and another woman."

After another twenty minuets, the three had a perfect plan formed as Red decided to take first watch. She didn't know why but she felt a maternal pull to the troubled girl. She could see Nicky was messing her life up, she wanted to help her, give her a life. A proper one.

Nicky was sat in an alleyway waiting to come down from her high. As much as she had tried, she had failed to sell any Heroin. Nicky knew she was already on her last chance with Vee, and she didn't want to see what would happen when she found out. She had considered leaving, never coming back but she knew she couldn't. The small amount of things she owned were still at Vee's and she didn't want to know what that woman would do to her if she ever found her again. How had her life come to this?

Getting bored, Nicky decided to wonder a bit before she faced the music and went home. Could she call it home? It certainly didn't feel like it, although she didn't really know what home was anymore. Nicky found herself entering the small bakery again. she didn't even know she was going that way.

She fumbled around in her pocket before pulling out a small amount of change, just enough to buy a small coffee. She was hungry and considered getting something to eat, but she couldn't afford it and she would rather drink. She sat down at the same table she was at the previous day. She began to think of the Russian woman, and Lorna. Nicky couldn't remember the last time someone acted like they cared about her. Wanted to help her.

She didn't know why but as the cafe door opened and the bell rang she looked over. She instantly noticed a familiar blonde walking towards her. She sighed knowing this wasn't going to end well. She had seen her the other day but didn't say anything as she hoped the other didn't recognize her. The blonde pulled up a chair and sat opposite her, staring directly into her eyes. 

"Hello Nicole." Stated the blonde coldly.

"Piper." She replied simply.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm drinking coffee."

"You know what I mean."

"Actually I don't. I have to go." She stood up leaving the un-drunk coffee on the table. The small conversation had shaken her up. Piper was a face she didn't expect to see again. Not after what happened.

"God I love you." Whispered Nicky  in between kisses. Piper giggled as she pulled Nicky closer.

"Who wouldn't?" She laughed again as Nicky joined in. Nicky fell beside a naked Piper. Piper turned round the other way signaling for Nicky to spoon her. Still laughing Nicky, wrapped her arms around her girlfriend and nestled into the br see on her neck.

After turning fifteen Nicky had ran away from home. She left a simple note to her Mum telling her not to look for her. Although Marka Nichols could take a good guess as to where she had gone, she never bothered to go there to find out.

Piper and Nicky first started out as best friends, meeting when they were five, but becoming girlfriends at the age of fifteen.

Several hours later, both girls now dressed and laying on their backs, Piper was snuggled into the shorter girl.

"I love you Nicky." Piper said, gazing into her eyes.

"I love you too." She smiled rubbing circles on Piper's upper chest.

Later on in the evening, Nicky reluctantly pushed open the front door of Vee's run down house. She didn't notice Red and Lorna lurking in the alley way.

Nicky sighed and she heard a drunk and high Vee yelling into her phone in the kitchen. Nicky waited until Vee had finished before entering, bracing herself for the inevitable beating she was about to receive.

"Oh look who as returned." Vee slurred walking over to the wild haired girl. "How much did you make me?" Nicky didn't reply. Vee took the hint of Nicky not making anything. Without thinking, Vee pushed Nicky towards the wall. She began to strangle the girl.

"Please stop!" Screamed Nicky, tears spilling from her tired eyes. Instead of stopping Vee squeezed her hands harder against Nicky's neck. Nicky began to choke, her vision became blurry as Vee pushed her to the floor. Vee started to punch Nicky in the face. Nicky could hear her nose crack, knowing that it had just been broken. Instantly she felt blood gush from her nostrils. Vee's fists were still flying into Nicky's face and eventually she gave up all hope. Right now, after all the crappy things that had happened in Nicky's life, she knew she had now hit an all time low.

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