Flower Boy

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He literally bumped into someone while running to Yoongi hyungs house with his backpack and bags in hand, and ended up twirling around to keep himself upright. But when he turned to apologize, he saw that the other had actually fallen.

"Oh, oh my god I'm so sorry! This is completely my fault." Jungkook set his bags down and held his hand out to help the other up. He was surprised when the other looked up at him and took his hand. His hand was small he observed, as Jungkook inspected the other. A nice gray hair color, a plain black jacket, and a beanie.

"Sorry I wasn't looking. I didn't think I was that much in the middle of the sidewalk."

"No, don't apologize, you have no reason to, it's all my fault." Jungkook rushed his words.

"Well...okay...I guess you have somewhere to be?"

"I do, but I'll have to apologize another way too, I still feel bad. Free flower on me?"


"I work at the flower shop a couple blocks down. I'll remember you, so drop in anytime this week, but I do have to go, sorry again!" He picked up his bags and started to run faster than before.

He got to Yoongi's house, slightly out of breath, and knocked. The door opened, and he went inside.

"Well, I'd like to say you're a bit extra about this. It was just one text." Yoongi said.

"Yes, but that means you probably did cry last night, which means it's more serious then you'd like to admit."


Jungkook left after he finished his job of being Yoongi's friend, and went to the flower shop, jogging instead of running. It was late, but he liked being at the shop when it was late. His apartment was small, so he didn't stay there to often, since he did share it with his roommate. They split rent which worked for him. Taehyung was a hard worker, and he was glad they were friends and roommates.

He went inside and took his laptop out of his backpack and set up in the back room. He needed to find out how to contact Hoseok so his plan could work. He looked up the dance studios website, but it didn't have any of the things he was looking for. So he decided to search Instagram, Hoseok must have one of those...still he wished there was a better way to find his number without stalking him. Phone book?...but that's a lot of work. He continued to scroll through the search on Instagram hoping to find something. He looked on his phone while he tried to do homework on his laptop. He continued this process until he completely focused on his homework, leaving his phone open.

He suddenly heard a bell to the shop door, and realized he forgot to turn it from "open" to "closed".

"Oops..." Jungkook went to the front counter to see someone walking around, probably looking for someone. Jungkook went to the front door and turned the open/closed sign. Then he went back to the counter before the person saw him.

"Oh, there you are!" The males voice was higher...and familiar. He was all covered up...it was probably cold outside.

"Hello? Do you need any help looking for something?" 'Do I know you?' Is what Jungkook wanted to ask, but didn't want to seem rude.

"Yeah, you said I could get a free flower? I realized I had some free time right now...I mean, it's only 6:30 I think? Your sign said open, so I thought now would be a good time."

"Oh! I'm so sorry, I couldn't tell it was you. Sorry...for running into you, and making you fall...oh, and I'm not in work clothes right now...sorry..."

"Don't worry. It didn't hurt much, and are you supposed to be closed or something?"

"Yeah, the sign is switched now, so you're the last costumer of the day. Again, sorry for everything. You can pick one flower...or succulent if you like them better."

"Okay...what do you prefer?" He started to take off his hood and unzipped his jacket. He realized why the flower boy wasn't wearing a jacket...it was naturally warm in here...he'd have to remember that.

"I personally like flowers, simply because they smell so nice and there's so many different colors of many flowers. Poppies are one of my favorites personally, but I'd like to see which one you like most."

"Okay...sure." He walked along the aisles of flowers looking at them all.

"So will the flower be for you or for someone else?"

"Me probably. I'm to busy lately to be with friends, sadly. So I'll just get myself a flower."

"That works. I get busy too sometimes, but school kinda sucks, and I'm simply happy with B's. Also dance takes a lot of my time..."

"You dance?!" The other spun on his heal to look at Jungkook, eyes wide and in awe. "I've been trying to find a dance studio to practice at for a while, but all of them so far have been sub par. But if you're at one, then that one must be good. Can you show me it?" Jungkook took a step back in surprise as the other stepped forward.

"Um...y-yeah, how about I show you online for right now? I have it up right now..."

"Yes please! Thank you."

Jungkook walked to the back room, the other behind him. He reopened the page on his laptop, and glanced at him...but the other was looking at Jungkook's phone, which he had accidentally left on.

"Okay...so you're a stalker?"

"N-no! I'm trying to talk to this guy before tomorrow so he and my coworker can get together. They both like each other, just neither of them will make a move, so I'm helping them. I promise I'm not a stalker."

"Thank you for explaining." He pulled up the other stool. "Can I help?" He was looking at the website now.

"...sure? You still need to pick a flower."

"You said anytime this week, so I can pick later."

"Alright...I don't know your name?"

"I'm Park Jimin, nice to meet you."


"I know who you are."

"So you're a stalker?"

"You're flower boy."

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