Difference Between Real Words and Shortcuts

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This has been on my mind lately, well both of me and Nick’s anyways. I know that everyone had been to school, or have been home tutored or whatever. So why, just why, can’t some people spell or actually use real, full words? Not just short cuts and shit.

I mean, yes, I get it if you’re in a hurry or when you are talking admin to admin. But use it in an Rp continuously?

No. Just no.

It’s fuken irritating as hell. It’s as if they never learned anything from school, or their parents.

Even if you didn’t go to school, your parents would have taught you while you’re still a small child. I know from experience.

If u rp layk dis, Don’t talk to us. It’s just going to give is head aches. Use what the teacher or your parents taught you. Make them proud by using them, not make yourself even more stupid. If that is even possible.

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