So Called 'Friends'

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There are so many definitions of this single word that we all know. We all want friends, I know. But seriously, if you make friends, try to fucking actually stay to the end. Not just because you thought he/she is unavailable or that you already got what you needed or(this one is one of the worst in the bunch for me) they bore you, you can fucking dump them and go all your happily go lucky ass somewhere to make more friends.


Just no.

If you tend to do that, get the fuck away from us.

I will slap you.

Not really.

Well, maybe my co-admin will.

But seriously, that’s fucked up. Don’t make friends if you aren’t going to actually want to talk to them. Go and socialize with them.

Make the first move. Don’t just wait for them to notice you first. It won’t get you anywhere, trust me.

The reason why I don’t like looking at my newsfeed here or in my Fb account, or any social networks for that matter, at times since when I do, I see those who I thought were my friends were ignoring me.


Nah. I can see how much of a ’friend’ they are. Even if I do message them or crap, they would give me short fucking reply and I see them chatting to other people with long-ish ones.

You, dear sir, are one fucked up person.

Don’t like me? Then fuck off.

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