Fakers, Fakers Everywhere

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Yo, this is both the admins.

Yeaah, Fakers. They are everywhere.

In the mall.

In the restaurant.

In the school.

In the restroom.

Even just beside you.

Yeah, even your closest friend can be one of those typical fakers who talks behind your back. Not to alert anyone, but it’s very true. We talk from experience.

We got angry, we cried--

[Yes, even Nicky here cried. u.u]

{*slaps her* shut up.}

[; - ; Abuse...]


--We wanted revenge, and crap like that.

They would say sorry, you’ll forgive them, then they’ll do it again then apologizes and the cycle goes on and on.

*sighs* It’s frustrating no? You thought you have a friend but then BAM, you have another enemy.

We’ve had enough of those. I mean, why can’t they Just be themselves. It’s not fucking hard!

They don’t need make up, they don’t Need to be a suck up and they most certainly don’t need to make another personality to have friends of crap like that.

If you don’t like someone, straight up tell them! It’s not hard to do!

Just say: ’I don’t like you.’

There! Not hard to do huh? So stop trying to make everyone like you to only just fucking use them then throw them away like some piece of trash.

Some people don’t think one crap about other people’s feelings. They just use ’em. It’s so fucking frustrating at how other people think that those fakers could actually be a ’good friend’.

Please. Open your eyes and stop being so fucking gullible.

Harsh but true. It’s better that way than be hurt by the one you called ’friend’.

So good luck on finding those people that are true and that doesn’t have a second face.

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