Chapter 1- A dare of disagreement

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As promised, here's the second Ziam story that I'm starting up with. I'm super excited because I'll be writing Ziam again and this time, a ghost AU! The cover took me hours to finish *phew* but I think it looks cool. What say?

Do tell me how did you guys liked this one. Chapie 1...enjoy! Love you all!

-Jenny aka LoveandHeartbreaks


"You're a coward, Payno!" Louis shouted for the millionth time. "A fucking coward!"

Liam sighed. Honestly, he thought after a day or two Louis might give up on this idea but it's been a week now and Louis' still stuck on it. Liam knows for a fact that Louis' always been like a stubborn and petulant child and he's used to his crazy, abnormal behavior. But he's never seen Louis go this far.

Liam poured in some tea for him and Louis both and carried it over to the sofa, with Louis following behind with crossed arms and pouty lips. Liam thinks he looks ridiculous. Finally, when they both sat down, Liam began.

"I'm not a coward but—"

"Ha!" Louis interrupted, "Liar."

"Will you let me finish at least?" Liam pleaded and Louis was just opening his mouth to speak again but Liam pinched his nipple. "Shut up and listen. See, I'm not scared or anything, okay? Ghosts don't even exist. It's all bullshit. I could come to that 'haunted house' of yours but I don't want to. I just want to relax, chill out for some time before the summer break's over. Uni is tiring, mate, and you know it."

That's true. Uni is tiring and Liam's exhausted to his core after weeks and weeks of studying, staying up all night, exams, assignments, hours spent in library, lectures, lack of sleep and what not. That's why he's here in Doncaster with his best mate, Louis. It's finally summer which means he's on his break and so is Louis. They both study at different universities, Liam's at London while Louis preferred to stay back here in Doncaster. Nothing's changed really, they're still like they used to be in their childhood. It's just that they don't get to see each other so often. Being miles apart from each other does that to you. That's why Liam decided to spend some time of his summer break with Louis here in Doncaster.

Sadly, Liam's idea of chilling with his best friend didn't include a dare to stay at a haunted house for a month. Even saying this in his head feels funny. Why did he have to be best friends with a guy whose got a brain of a ten year old's? He feels like going back in time and punching himself in the face for it.

"That is why I want to add some fun into your life, you bugger! C'mon,  Payno, we never give up on the dares. What have I  taught  you all this while?" Louis said dramatically, sipping on to his tea and shaking his head dissapointedly. "Tsk, tsk!"

"I think it's a bad idea." Liam replied. He hears footsteps down the stairs and he knows Niall's coming down to ask for some more food.

Liam met Niall when he arrived at Louis' three days ago. Niall's staying with Louis for some time just like him. Apparently, Niall and Louis go to the same university and Niall's one of Louis' good mates there. Liam likes Niall, actually. He's a nice lad. He's got a thick Irish accent that you can make out from afar. He's attractive even, with bright blue eyes (almost like Louis' but not as icy blue) that somehow brighten even more when he barks  out a laugh, blonde hair nicely styled, rosy cheeks and pink lips. He's quite pale too and eats like a horse. If he had to go more than 20 minutes without a biscuit, he'd keel over. Plus, he laughs obnoxiously at literally anything and everything that comes out of Louis' mouth and Liam knew why he and Louis got along so well. Louis just wants someone to think that the crazy shit that he does all the time is fucking hilarious and wants someone to go along with his stupid ideas that mostly just end up with you in trouble. But Liam can't complain  much  because it's something about Louis that draws you into him.

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