Chapter 3-Smoke

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Hey! ^-^

Yeah,yeah it's been forever since I've updated anything at all. Oh well.

I should be studying right now. I have an exam tomorrow. Oh well.'s chapie number 3 for all of you....enjoy! (Don't forget to comment down if you liked it or not!)

P.s. The photo at the side reminded me a lot of the house that I had in my mind while coming up with the story so I thought I'd share it with you in case it helps you to picture the place better or something like that. *shrugs*

-Jenny aka LoveandHeartbreaks


Upon entering the house, the air in the room became suddenly cold, even the thick layers of clothes that Liam was wearing could not keep him warmed up enough. Although, he shrugged the thought off immediately.

He turned his flashlight on and began examining his surroundings with Louis and Niall by his side. They could make out the furniture covered in white sheets, a few cracked windows and the crumpled wallpaper from the faint light provided by their combined flash lights. Thankfully, it didn’t smell awfully bad in here unlike what Liam had expected. Though there was a faint smell of rotten foods coming from the other side of the hall (Liam assumed that must be the kitchen), it was fairly bearable.

“Is there like, a switch board or something to turn the lights on?” Niall asked, his voice almost echoing in the silent room.

“You seriously think the lights would be working?” Louis replied. He was preoccupied in taking a look at a giant bookshelf in the corner of the room, squinting to try to read what their titles say on the cover but it’s all too dusty.

“We should at least try?” Niall suggested. “Can’t see a thing in here lads, we need proper lighting. These flash lights aren’t good enough.”

“He’s right, Louis.” Liam agreed. “I’ll just try and find the switch board, yeah? You guys stay right here.”

“You’ll manage alone?” Louis asked, worry etched in his voice.

“’Course.” Liam assured him. He started paying a closer look at the walls, examining them carefully in a hope of finding a switch board. The walls seemed to be going on forever and he still wasn’t successful in his attempt to find the switches. Liam can only make out faint sounds on the other two boys, he’s guessing he’s come quite far in the mansion.

It’s only when he’s about to give up and return back when he see’s this huge plug board on a wall. It’s all covered in cobwebs so he first removes them with his hands. Yup, this is exactly what he’s being finding.

He scans the various switches and wires and has to squint real hard to make out whatever’s written. Now, Liam’s not a bloody electrician or something, but he tries his best anyway. He plays with the switches, turning them on and off repeatedly and adjusts the wires in case they’ve gotten lose.

5 minutes later and he’s hardly made any progress.

He heaves out a sigh and starts walking back, almost tripping in the dark once. When he can hear Louis and Niall’s voices clearer and finally spots them opening various cabinets in the kitchen(or well, it looked like the kitchen. Liam couldn’t be so sure of course) he hears them complaining about the smell in here.

“Jesus,” Louis cried, “It smells awful in here. I can’t tolerate it!”

“Proper diva you are, Tommo.” Niall laughed. Looking over at Liam, he asked, “What’s with the lighting? It worked?”

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