Chapter 2-It's a long night

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Hello! ^_^

Now, I know I was supposed to update my other stories but in my defense, I was way too keen on continuing with this one. Nice response on the first chapie so thanks for that. Keep voting and commenting about what you think!

Chapie number 2...enjoy!

-Jenny aka LoveandHeartbreaks


Liam’s currently in the cab with Louis on his side and Niall in the front. They’re on their way to Heather Wood Manor and it’s currently 8 in the evening. The three of them have got their bags packed, not too much stuff taken just the necessary items. Liam insisted on getting some snacks, flashlights, and some cash just in case they’re going to need y’know, bail because he’s pretty sure they’re trespassing. Yup, they’re definitely trespassing.

Honestly, why is he even thinking about ways to make this happen? Why hasn’t he grown out of letting Louis push him into doing stupid things even after all these years? Well, Liam’s trying to talk himself around to the idea that this was all Louis’ fault indeed. Louis has a sort of hypnotic effect on Liam and Liam was and is and will remain to be rubbish at telling Louis a simple no.

He looks outside through the window; they are nearing Heather Wood Manor when Liam sees a change in nature, the sky growing darker minute by minute. There’s a slight reddish tint to the sky, Liam assumes it’s going to rain later tonight. The moon is in its full glow tonight, illuminating the sky into an eerie sight.  He watches the tall trees pass by as the cab drives in full speed. The roads are deserted and everything outside is silent. Liam remembers the strange look the driver gave them when they told him to take them to Heather Wood Manor. Not many people pay visit to it, of course. Plus, it lies in the outskirts of the town where everything’s almost abandoned at this time of the night. Not a single soul moving.

“Louis,” Liam starts. “I’m warning you again, this is not a good idea.”

 “Well then, I guess it’s a good thing I’m not asking for your opinion,” Louis stated simply, not even bothering to avert his eyes from his phone.

Twenty minutes later and an Irish accent ends the silence. “Lads, think we’re here afterall!”

The three of them get out immediately, holding their suitcases in their hands firmly. They paid the driver and he was off in the blink of an eye. They stood still and watched the cab disappear into the darkness.

They take a few steps further, trying to take a better glance at the wrecked mansion standing in front of them. The dry leaves crumbling underneath their feet loudly in this hushed silence.

“Fucking haunted house, huh? Proper bullshit, lads!” Louis said, cackling his lungs out.

“Pretty sure you’re not supposed to use foul language around here, Louis.” Niall commented from beside him.

“Look here sunshine, I am the Tommo,” Louis announces loudly, “I can say whatever the bloody fuck I want, yeah?”

The thing about Louis is, it’s not that he hasn’t learnt manners. It’s just that he isn’t too keen on using them. And that, Liam thinks, sums Louis up perfectly.

“You know we’re like illegally trespassing, right?” Liam reminded them, averting his gaze around, taking in the broken fences that surround the mansion.

“Totally aware, indeed.” Louis agrees, “If anyone catches us we’ll probably end up in jail. I’m guessing there isn’t electricity in there as well. There ought to be some foul smelling, rotten food too. No water. No nothing. But lots of cobwebs for sure.”

“Then why are we even doing this?” Niall asks, eyes popping up at Louis.

Louis waves a hand airily. “I just like to consider all the reasons why I shouldn't do something before I do it anyways."

Niall barks out a laugh and the two of them are discussing about how they’re going to get in if in case the doors are closed while Liam takes in this building in front of him. He’s been here before when he was younger. He and his family going over to the nearby beach on a nice summer afternoon. He remembers passing through this place while on his way. It looks exactly the same it looked ten years ago. It stood alone, abandoned. Paint-flaked and neglected. The path to the door was overgrown with bushes and brambles whose thorns reached out to capture the unwary.

His gaze then lands on a broken glass windowpane above, on the first floor perhaps. The glass is smeary with age and dirt but despite of that, he sees a face, staring back at him with cold eyes. He blinks and shakes his head and looks back up only to find the baleful looking face gone.

Great. Super. He hasn’t even entered this Goddamn house and he’s already seeing things.

Get a grip, Payne. He tells himself. Ghosts don’t even exist.

He’s broken out of his reverie when Louis slumps a hand on his shoulder and tilts his head to the building, indicating that it’s time to enter it. He nods and follows him with Niall by his side.

After they somehow manage to get past the bushes that come in their way, they reach the porch. The rotten wooden floor creaking underneath their feet. Liam notices an old rocking chair kept at the corner of the porch. It resembles the one his grandma used to have when he was younger.

“The chain’s broken already, look.” Louis says, struggling with the rusted chain at the door for a moment before it finally falls down with a thud. “So we’re not the only ones who tried to enter in here.”

Louis tries to push open the door but it doesn’t budge. He slams his body along the length of the door but still no use. Niall joins Louis in his attempt to open the door but they’re not doing any good from where Liam can see.

“It’s jammed, mate.” Niall says, giving it one last try before shaking his head. “What now?”

“What do we have muscle-man here for?” Louis exclaims, thumping Liam’s shoulder and pushing him forward. “C’mon, Hercules!” Louis cheers from behind.

Liam rolls his eyes but gives it a try nevertheless. He tries the knob first but it just jiggles uselessly. He tries pushing the door with his hands, then his body. He kicks at it a bit out of frustration but doesn’t give up. Finally on his sixth try, the doors open with a jerk. Liam stumbled on his feet slightly but gathers his balance before falling down.

“Good job, Payno!” Louis shouts in Liam’s ear and grins so wide Liam fears his face might break in two pieces right there.

It was pitch dark inside, the moon illuminating the floor the tiniest bit from where they were standing.

“Get the flashlights out, guys. You can’t see a thing in here.” Liam says and all of them get their flashlights out from their cases. The turn it on and of course, the first thing Louis does is flash it right in Liam’s eyes, completely blinding him.

“What is wrong with you?”And it’s not even a question anymore.

Louis shrugs in response and shoves past Liam to get in first and Niall follows. Just when Liam’ about to enter as well, he hears the wooden floor porch creak behind him. He whips his head immediately only to find nothing at all. He scans the porch once more before his eyes land on the same rocking chair.

 Only this time, it’s moving back and forth.

He feels like he’s been punched in the gut. He tries to keep his breathing normal but it’s still coming out as ragged as he watches the sight in front of him—the chair slowly rocking back and forth, back and forth, making the floor creak in an unsettling way.

He tries to think rationally and blames it on the wind but then he realizes, it isn’t quite windy outside. It is an uncanny, cold night but not windy enough to make this rocking chair move. He’s just about to call Louis and Niall when suddenly he realizes the strange creaking has ended. He looks back at the chair and sure enough, it’s standing still as a rock. Uneasiness flows through his body and he thinks he’s just too worked up. His mind is just playing tricks on him because he’s exhausted.

But Liam already knows that this is going to be a long night.

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