
18 1 0

"My parents are coming over next week, y/n! Please clean up any mess you've made..." your roommate yells to you. "I can't hear you I'm in the shower!" The two of you had known each since child birth and your parents were best friends, well- up until your parents died in a car crash. It was tragic, yes- but it was nothing too serious to you...

"Get our the shower please I have to pee!" Once you turn the shower off you dry yourself off and walk out of the bathroom. "What was the rush Joe?" He looks at you and giggles "Put some clothes on kid, my gig is in an hour- I don't want to miss it!" He screams from the bathroom "A record label is going to be there!"

*time skip to gig*

"Wow..." you whisper to yourself. You see a tattoo covered guy and you're damn near drooling over him, that was until Joe snapped you out of your thoughts. "Hello, earth to y/n- what are you looking at?" You turn to Joe and point to the tattoo covered guy, "That guy, over there- he's super cute. You think you can set me up?" His facial expression changes in a matter of seconds "HEY BACK OFF, Y/N! THATS THE DRUMMER IN MY BAND!" Joe yells at you. Upset, you walk away from him and head to the bar. Why did he get so pissed? It's not like I would know, he doesn't bring any of his friends around me other than Pete...

I take a few shots to get what happened off my mind. Joe's band starts to play and they honestly sound really good, hopefully they'll get signed to a record sometime soon. They band takes a break and want to go over to Joe to apologize but, I see he's already talking to a girl- that made my blood boil for some reason... I walk over to him and ask if he has a moment to speak. "I'll be right back" he says to the girl and adds a wink. Is he TRYING to piss me off?! Whatever...

"What did you want to talk about, y/n? It better be good because I was just about to get that babes number..." now you and Joe switch places, you're the jealous one yelling at him, "LOOK, I DIDN'T KNOW THAT GUY WAS IN YOUR BAND! I MIGHT HAVE IF YOU WOULD BRING YOUR FRIENDS AROUND ME, AND ITS NOT COOL HOW YOU'RE TRYING TO MAKE ME JEALOUS WITH THAT GIRL!" Joe glares at you before he starts to talk "I WOULD bring them around you, but I don't want to lose you because I fucking LOVE you, Y/N!" You stop for a moment to process what he had just said. As a friend? A sister..? You love me as what Joe? Before you could say something he grabs your face and pulls you in for a long sweet kiss, you were in shock for a moment- but within seconds you kissed him back rapping your arms around his neck.

"Joe! Joe! J-oh..." Pete says, he walked out to see the two of you kissing. "Well, sorry to break up your saliva exchange but, we need you back in there Joe- we still have 5 more songs to play." Joe looks at you and then at Pete, "I'll be looking at you in the crowd, y/n... I promise." You simply nod your head and go to peck him on the cheek- "Hey!" Pete yells from inside of the bar, "Can you keep IT, down when you're on stage please?" Joe's face gets as red at rose and you feel your face heat up when you look down there.

*time skip to end of the gig*
You walk over to the back of the stage to see Joe and his band members. "Hey" you say to him, your face as red as a ladybug- he kept his promise and he looked at you for the rest of his gig. "Hey y/n, I'd like to introduce you to my friends." Joe says with a big smile. "I'm Joe, obviously, this is Patrick he's our lead singer, that's Andy our drummer and- well I don't need to introduce you to that nut over there." You laugh at Joe's joke towards Pete. "Heeeey..." Pete says in a joking manner. They all talk and share a few stories while packing up the set, you got to know the guys a bit and you found them to be really interesting- "Yeah" Patrick says, "Joe has told me a lot about you, y/n!" You seem a bit shocked at what he says... I guess it makes sense, all of this does. Once the set was all packed up into the van, everyone parts their way- leaving you and Joe alone in the car.

*time skip to the apartment*

"Hey, I'll start cleaning tomorrow for when your parents come next weekend..." you leave it at that and hurry off to your room. *SLAM* you slammed your door hard because you were so embarrassed! How could I not know that Joe was in love with me ALL THIS DAMN TIME! Ugh... *knock knock knock* "Hello..?
Y/n, can I come in- please? Look, I'm sorry I kissed you and all- that was out of line I apologize..." "No, Joe don't be sorry- look... I'm just embarrassed because how could I have not noticed that you're in love with me..? I'm glad you kissed me! It was perfect, Joe it felt so right! A-and I love you too..." I love him too... this is all so crazy, but honestly how could I have not noticed..? I open up the door to instantly receive a big loving hug from Joe. It was silent for a good 5 minuets, it felt perfect... like it was meant to be.

"Let's lay down, y/n... you must be exhausted- I'll go off to my room." You grab Joe's hand, "No, stay Joe- stay with me tonight please?" He did not object, he simply nodded his head and stripped down to his underwear, you took his shirt and put it on before you took the rest of your close off. The two of you had fallen asleep in each other's arms in a matter of seconds, it was truly perfect...

A/N: Tell me what you guys think about this chapter! Should I make a part 2..?❤️❤️❤️

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