Me And You (Benzedrine)

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POV- Benzedrine Intro:

The media either hates me or loves me, there's no in between. I have a sex and drug addiction. Say I come out of a hotel room with a girl, they're there- taking pictures of my every move, running into the room taking pictures of "evidence". I get some coke from a dark ally, the ally will no longer be dark because of the camera flashes. Don't get me wrong, I love the attention and I'm actually in love with my own sins... I just wish I wasn't.

Benzedrine's story:
My lifestyle is wrong, completely wrong- my motives aren't right and I'm pretty sure I'll be going to hell. I made a deal with Sandman a year ago, that I could summon a girl into our fucked up world and make her fall in love with me- I couldn't falling in love with her or else I'd have to kill her... I thought I had everything under control, well I thought wrong.

*Flashback to day of the deal*
"Hey Benzi..." oh God, not Sandman. "What is it that brings you to my home, Sandman? It's late at night, shouldn't you be disturbing innocent people's dreams?" Sandman comes closer to me with a devilish smirk on his face, "What? You aren't happy to see me? Well I'll be damned, little old Benzi isn't happy to see me." "Cut to the chase, Sandman- why are you here instead of doing your job? The paparazzi is going to catch you if you stay here much longer." Sandman gets a serious look on his face, and I couldn't tell if it was good or bad- I start to get worried so I take a step back from him. "I've come here to make a deal with you, so let me explain it to you because I don't have much time." I get even more worried, "Is everything okay, San-" I was cut off by him telling me to shut up and listen. "If I don't do something big soon, the paparazzi is going to cut me lose- for good and I'll be done. So I plan on doing the unthinkable and summoning a human female into our world." I'm so shocked by his words, is this really happening or are the drugs getting to me? "That's crazy and damn near impossible!" He sighs, "Yes, I know but that's not the craziest part either- I'm going to make her fall in love with me!" I laugh at the last part... "Oh dear God, no women would ever fall in love with you- your own mother hated you!" He gets pissed for a slight second and then it seems as if a light goes on in his head. "You're right! So she'll have to fall in love with you! That's perfect, and if YOU fall in love with her- we'll have to kill her! HA! This plan is perfect..." "Oh really, you think I can fall in love with a human? I wouldn't give a damn if one even dies! So this deal is not only a piece of cake- it's on."

I had no clue what I was getting myself in, but Sandman had one too man tricks up his sleeve that I had no clue of...

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