Chapter 4

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Warning: Torture, Bugs, Nasty, language, blood, (I'm just really sorry. Not for those with weak stomachs or don't like bugs)

Her punishment was simple at first. She was confined to a cold, wet, and dark cell. She got one meal every two or three days. She was sprayed down with a power hose once a week. To blind her eyes they flicked the lights on and off for hours. To burst her ears they played horrific sounds such as dead animals or people. To ruin her taste they poisoned every meal she consumed. To tear at her skin they constantly changed the temperature double digits in the negatives and triple digits in the positive.

(y/n) marked this acts as petty. With no leader, everyone in Hydra' s Washington division was running around clueless looking for orders. No one really paid attention to (y/n) for the first few months that is until the truth came to light. Hydra got a waft of the Winter Soldier's beating heart and all eyes went to (y/n). She was immediately moved to a different Hydra base where they gave her a much more harsher punishment.

They knew about her healing ability and decided to test it's limit or put it on display. They didn't hold back.

Upon her arrival, she was taken to an all-black room for a good reason it sent chills up her spine. The single light hanging from the ceiling, the only choir in the room cuffs and restrains on it, a single table. Everything was clean black not a spec of dirt was in the room no other color but black it made her sick to her stomach.

She was strapped down to the chair, the guards were calm and quiet didn't say anything. The Guards left two more come in rolling in a cart with them it was covered with a sheet so she couldn't see what it was. A woman in all black came in she wore an apron and mask she wore gloves. It made (y/n) feel uneasy. She heard nothing but whispers she saw nothing but black it was just... to much.

The woman stepped forward pulling the sheets of the cart all she saw were spikes and poles. She didn't understand. "what are you doing" (y/n) asked the woman said nothing continuing her work. Turning around the woman had a belt with small spikes in her hands she looped the belt around her left arm spikes inward and the woman said, mask muffling her voice, "and now... we begin".

She pulled the belt tight closing the loop around her arm letting the spikes pierce her skin. (y/n) screamed out in agony tears spilling down her cheeks blood pooling on the floor beneath her. The woman locked the belt around her arm and went back to the table and grabbed another belt and did the same thing. She did this until (y/n) arms and legs were covered skin no longer showing. The whispers were now shouts and they were so loud echoing off the walls.

They were doing this on purpose they played her senses against her. It was so sinister.

The woman bent down to her ear and whispered: "you're too loud" she went to the cart "ASSISTANCES" two men came in the same two men as before. One man wrapped a belt around her jaw keeping her mouth shut another held her head still. The woman turned around a needle and thread in hand. (y/n) tried to scream but the men held her lips shut her pleases were muffled.

"NOOOOOO" (y/n) let out a muffled cried as the needled pierced her bottom lip then the top pulling the close. The woman and men were so calm like they had done this before like this was a regular thing.

Eventually (y/n) stopped screaming and let the woman stitch her lips together tightly. There was no point in screaming it only made it worse and made it last longer.

"silences," the woman said as she stepped back admiring her finished work. With a nodded the got up and followed her leaving the room and taking the now empty cart with them and turning off the lights. (y/n) was alone with nothing but whispers and pain.

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